Fruits as a Cure

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Fruits s a Cure


Atlas Web Blog offers you some interesting facts about fruits. Pineapple is a multi-year tropical herb with Ananas comosus, which forms a ground rosette. In the middle of it, a short floral axis is created with the legs pressed against the flowers. After flowering, the individual fruits in the compound pulpy fruit aggregate add up to 3 kg of heavy weight. Today they are grown in China, Mexico, Hawaii, Brazil and elsewhere. Pineapples may be mostly yellow and golden, bronze, but also red, purple or black. Inside the fetus is a white or yellow flesh; in the case of cultural varieties, it is free of seeds. Pineapples tolerate transport well but tastes better preserved. When purchasing, we select solid, unprinted fruits. The easiest is to cut fresh pineapple slices, cut the skin (with all the dark dots), and cut the woody axis in the middle. Pineapples can also be chopped and spooned with a spoon.

Pineapple on average contains 10% or more sugars. Vitamin C has less than lemons – 12 – 15 mg / 100 g. Contains provitamin A, vitamins B, folic acid. Mineral substances potassium, magnesium, also calcium and phosphorus, zinc, iron, little sodium. It contains the bromelain enzyme, effective in digesting especially proteins.

Gooseberries (coats)

Gooseberries, Grossularia uva crispa.

Fruits of the coat are pulpy berries with bare skin and soft hairs, from whitish to yellow, green, reddish and dark red in color. The skin is somewhat more difficult to digest. The gooseberry has a higher acid content (mainly citric, apple, wine and oxalic). Here are some fruits and nutrition facts: Sugar has up to 10%, especially fructose. Contains many pectins, good gelling, vitamin C up to 35 mg / 100 g (like lemons). It also contains less carotene, more vitamin E, little vitamin B. Minerals are potassium-rich gooseberry, it also contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, fluorine, and valuable trace elements.

Apricot is recommended for atherosclerosis, constipation, high blood pressure, anemia, obesity. Not suitable for ulcer disease.

The jelly is made of jams, compotes, often along with cherries and other fruits, juices, desserts. For many more useful tips you can always contact

Aronia – black crane

Black or black crane, right Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa). Aronia is a shrub, but can also be grown as a tree grafted to a related bird crane. It comes from North America and has been grown since the 18th century. The fruits are similar to edible cranes, but they are dark purple to black. The juice is tartly acidic, ruby red. Fruits are small, durable, torn to last for a month or longer. They have up to 16% of sugars, mostly fructose and glucose, little sucrose, fruit acids, pectin, tannin, vitamin C, B vitamins, a lot of provitamin A, and routines. Mineral substances are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, anthocyanidin dyes. Biologically it is extremely valuable fruit. It reduces blood pressure, relieves pain, improves metabolism, is suitable for diabetics.

In the food industry, fruits are used as a natural dye for sweets, drinks,

In our homes, we can prepare juices, syrups, jams mixed with smoothies, apples, pears. Excellent are compotes. When preparing them, however, we have to pre-cook the fruits in a sugary filling and then pour the same liqueur. They can, like blueberries, be used as a filling of cakes with a layer of grated apples and a crumb on the surface. Many of them are used as a medecine, so here you can also find some useful tips on how to use fruits and vegetables as medicine.


We offer you fruits and nutrition facts that you haven’t known. It is a dietary fruit with a high energy value of about 355 kJ / 100 g of pulp. Few know that there is a group of vegetable starch bananas, the so-called plantain (Musa paradisiaca). Boiled potatoes are replaced.

For us, a group of fruit bananas (Musa sapientium and M. chinensis) with fruit (fresh berries) are in the fresh state. They have up to 25% carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, fructose and glucose. The vitamin value is not particularly high: they have 10 to 15 mg of vitamin C in 100 g, but a lot of vitamin B6 and more provitamin A. They are a good source of fiber, minerals have a lot of potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and iron, zinc and other ingredients. Banana is a perennial herb with a false strain up to 10 m tall.

Bananas are used in cold and hot dishes, in salads, glasses, roasted with caramel and whipped cream, fried in batter. To a greater extent, they damage the lymphatic system and damage hematopoiesis. Combined with milk, it is suitable for people who want to gain weight.


Blueberries, botanically called blueberry cranberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), are becoming more and more expensive and rarer fruit. They grow in sparse coniferous forests, also called black strawberries. In addition to the wild blueberries, there are also cultivated cultural, large-fruited grapes from the USA. They are taller, bigger and more demanding. They come from another species of Vaccinium corymbosum. Unlike wild blueberries, whose juice stains their mouths, large blueberries are dull, they have a green pulp.

The fruits ripen for the summer holidays. They contain 14% of sugars, tannins, fruit acids, pectins, valuable plant dyes, carotene, B vitamins, about half of vitamin C like lemons, many minerals – potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, , fruits act against infections, inflammation of the larynx, oral cavity, against diarrhea. Their color regenerates ocular purple. The leaves contain blood sugar lowering agents. Blueberries, of course, include cakes, pancakes, yoghurts, compotes, good frozen, fresh are great in fruit glasses.


Their scientific name is Prunus persica or Persica vulgaris – peach. We know the right peaches – these are the smoky and nectarines – glabrous peaches without a velvety surface. Then is a special group of industrial peaches for mechanized harvest for compotes and juice with firm pulp – clingy.

Facts about fruits  – Peaches contain about 83% water, 9% sugars, more pro-vitamin A, vitamins B, vitamin C up to 10mg in 100g, some folic acid, potassium, potassium phosphate, magnesium, iron, calcium , zinc, etc. They have soothing effects on the human organism, they are slightly exuding.

They are used to produce compotes, juices, jams, ice cream. They are also used in cosmetics.


Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis idaea) A bush with persistent leaves is home in Central and Northern Europe, Asia to the Arctic Circle.

Fruits are known red berries with special characteristics. They contain benzoic acid, which is why we do not have to sterilize them. The amount of this acid is not harmful to health.

They also contain sugars, citric acid, malic acid and something oxalic, vitamin C a little less than lemons, glycosides effective against urinary tract inflammation, flavonoids, dyes, tannins, a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese phosphorus, but unfortunately also more sodium . Leaves are healing – tea is used in diabetes. A related cranberry is a cranberry-peat growing on peat bogs and the use is similar. The large clover is grown in North America.

Lemons and limes

Lemons are many species, for us the most important lemon limon (Citrus limon) and lime (Citrus limetta).

Lemon Lemon, our most common lemon market, is most grown in Italy (80% of world production). Lime lime is very similar to lime lemon with small spherical or flattened fruits, with a green pulp, very aromatic. It is also grown most in the Mediterranean. In the Arab countries, it is used in salty brine and eats as our cucumbers. Lemons have 45-50mg vitamin C / 100g, many bioflavonoids important for healthy blood vessels, many pectin, essential oils, provitamin A (more oranges), vitamins B, carbohydrates (3%). Interestingly, lemons contain extremely much calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Important is the citric acid content (up to 8%). Lemons are a regular part of our kitchen – salads, sauces, legumes, bark, pastry, ice cream and the food industry.

It is very good to use fruits and vegetables as medicine, to have a glass of warm water (body temperature) squeezed with whole lemon (or half) and a spoon of honey at least half an hour before eating. All day we will feel wonderful energy in the body. We can drink every day with a change, for example, for an orange, especially if we feel tired and exhausted.


Botanical name is Punica granatum, garnet. It is a higher shrub to a small tree growing in subtropics. It probably comes from Iran, where it grows wild today, cultivated today in similar conditions all over the world, also in southern Europe.

The fruit is a 15 cm large spherical berry with a persistent chalice, with rigid garlic, brown to dark red. Inside there are many pulp-covered seeds – depending on the variety with sour to sweet-sour juice. They can contain 14 – 21% carbohydrates, 3-4% acids (mainly citric), they contain vitamins B, small amounts of vitamin C, a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium,

When buying, we choose the largest and unprinted, evenly colored fruits. We consume them fresh. First cut the stem with a thin slice of the skin. Then cut a few cuts lengthwise, but do not cut it. We open them and sow the flesh. Otherwise, cut the cut with a wooden stick through a stainless steel or plastic sieve, so we get a refreshing juice. With juice, we polish desserts, make them lemonades, syrups. Grains with flesh are added to oriental pilafs.


It belongs to a wide family of citruses, but unlike other species originating from India and China, grapefruit originates from Antilles. Most grown in the US, but also in Israel, South America, and the Mediterranean.

Citrus paradisi – so called grapefruit and it is up to 10 m tall tree. Known fruits are spherical or flattened, tinged greenish, yellow or reddish. Their flesh is juicy, blooming with the glyceride naringin, colored yellow or reddish. Sometimes there is also a pumpoid with large, up to 5 kg heavy fruits, with a green to yellow surface (Citrus grandis) on the market.

Grapefruits are the youngest citruses – they were actually produced in the 18th Century. Cultivation loses bitterness and number of seeds.

Grapefruit or juice is “breakfast fruits”. Mustard aids digestion, so it is also among starters – appetizers. Break the grapefruit with the knife by separating the pieces of pulp from the bark and bulkheads and draining with a spoon. It has a similar composition as other citrus and 40 mg vit. C / 100 g. It is suitable for fruit salads, used as dessert fruit.


Atlas Web Blog provides you info about the beginning of the cultivation of strawberry dates back to the 14th Century in southern France. However, strawberries were harvested in the Neolithic. Large-scale strawberries did not appear until the 18th century when two American strawberries were imported and crossbreeding began.

Strawberries are healthy and tasty fruits. They contain about 87% water, up to 7.5% sugars, tannins, dyes, organic acids (malic, low lemon, quinine, oxalic and salicylic), pectins. Vitamin C can have from 60 to 100 mg / 100 g, and then enough vitamin E, also B vitamins, folic acid. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, etc. are found in strawberries. Fruits enhance metabolism and are beneficial to heart and blood vessels, , bottom, urinary and biliary stones. They have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, they are gentle, they also reduce fever. Some people have an allergy to strawberries, honey and dairy products are recommended to alleviate. Strawberries are frozen, made from them jams, compotes, juices, ice cream, desserts, soups, cups.

Fresh crane

The crane (Sorbus aucuparia) can be found throughout Europe. The fresh crane has reddish-orange berries bigger – up to 1.5 cm, and they contain less tannins and acids than a regular crane.

The berries are healing. Fresh fruits can be up to 550 mg of vitamin C in 100 g (up to 15 times more than lemons), even in gently dried fruits can be 150 mg. It also contains a lot of provitamin A, vitamin B, organic acids, sugars, pectins, tannins, malt, valuable minerals. Fruits have a slightly invigorating and diuretic effect, also bile duct. Recommended for rheumatism. Sugars are in the form of sorbite, so the products of sugar-free berries are ideal for diabetics. They are recommended to consume in infections (flu, etc.). The fruits can be made from compotes (pre-cooked, infused to blooming fruits), preserves, syrups, can be dried for tea or as raisins.


Partial, green, immature, then a waxy yellow berry with 5 distinctive ribs sometimes appears in selected stores. It comes from a lower tropical tree of the carambola (Averrhoa carambola), grown mainly in Malaysia, Southeast Asia, but also in the Antilles and Florida. It blooms and grows throughout the year.

The fruits have a thin skin, but they carry the transport very well. English are called Star fruit.

Slices of carambola have the shape of a starfish and have a very decorative effect. They contain a lot of vitamin C, but also some oxalic acid. Karambola is related to our juice. The fruits are tasty, juicy, crunchy consistency, sweet-acid, refreshing taste. They are used fresh to decorate fruit and vegetable salads, desserts, best in combination with cottage cheese. They are processed industrially for juices, syrups, compotes, jams etc.

Chestnut edible

Castanea sativa is a botanical name of a large, tall tree bearing chestnuts, also called marons. It comes from the area around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It also grows in the warm localities of South Moravia. Fruit – chestnuts are actually horns with a leather wrap, usually placed after 3 in the spiny, when ripening the puffing broth. Inside is a yellowish core. The fruits are harvested in November.

Chestnuts contain many carbohydrates, mainly in the form of starches – 35-50%, part is in the form of sucrose, few proteins and fats. They have many B vitamins (mainly B5 and B6), low vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals mainly potassium, also enough phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, little sodium. The fruit also contains tannins. They bake on butter, they prepare puree, filling them with desserts. They bake and eat with salt and pepper,


Once upon a time, they had the garments of their grandmother’s chest. To some extent, they also repelled insects.

Quince has long been known since ancient times. It comes from the Caucasus, Iran. Her scientific name, Cydonia oblonga, is derived from the ancient city of Kydon in Crete. She was a symbol of love and fertility.

Quince grows a shrub to a tree and are apple or pear-like peppers, filthy, yellow, very aromatic. They mature in October. At that time, the flesh is hard, but the quince is not fresh, but it is a great raw material for the food industry. The pulp contains many pectin, acids, mucilages, about 10% sugars (mainly fructose), essential oils, tannins, provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus. Quince can also be used for treatment against digestive disorders, diarrhea, in cosmetics. They are made from jams, compotes, musts and mustards, jellies, pastes, quince cheese, and can be dried.


Rich cultivated kiwi varieties originated in New Zealand, hence their trade name. But their own origins are in East Asia, China. From there, the botanical name Actinidia chinensis, Chinese actinidia. They are fruits of woody liana, egg-berry or almost spherical shape, weighing up to 150g. Today some varieties are grown in France, southern Slovakia and southern Moravia. New Zealand and China cultivate the most.

They do not have an appealing look, but their taste and biological value are appealing. When buying, we choose ripe, not too hard fruits, unprinted and unblemished. Peel them with a sharp knife and cut them, and eat small seeds. The best ones are fresh or in fruit salads, but we also give them all desserts and desserts. Great juice is also made from a mixture of kiwi and gooseberry or pears. The green flesh with a distinctive pattern is rich in vitamin C – 300 – 500 mg in 100 g (10 times more than citrus).

Chicken – psidium

This interesting fruit comes from Brazil, other related species from Central and South America, also from Antilles. Today it is grown in Hawaii, Florida and in California, in the Mediterranean and North Africa and elsewhere.

Quail (Psidium quajava) is a biologically valuable fruit. It is a higher shrub to a tree growing in the tropics to subtropics. Fruits are peppers, almost as apples in the shape of oval, spherical or pear-shaped. They are clearly rounded edges. The ripe fruits are straw yellow, smooth, dotted with small dots. The pulp is white or pinkish to reddish with small seeds. It tastes very sweet and has a special smell.

Fruits have 10-15% sugars, up to 5% fiber, provitamin A, B vitamins and many vitamin C (200-300 mg / 100g), more than black currants and 5-6 times more than citrus. In addition, they contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, low sodium and other substances. Fruits are mainly consumed fresh, cut into quarters, dripped with lemon juice. Eat, including seeds. They are suitable for fruit salads, of course desserts, ice cream, etc. They are processed into juices, juices, jellies, compotes. They are added to juices from other fruits for vitamin C enrichment and flavor. If you want to learn more about how to use fruits and vegetables as medicine, you can always contact


Common hazel (Corylus avellana) known to our original shrub breeds nuts in a packed wrap. In our country there are honeycombs and cultivated grown large-scale varieties. Most nuts for the market, however, are imported.

Nuts contain 36% fat, 10-12% protein, 7 – 8% carbohydrate. They are highly energy-intensive. They are a good source of phosphorus and potassium, also magnesium and calcium, containing iron, copper and other trace elements. Provitamin A contains little, something vitamin C, but nuts have the most vitamin E, also contain vitamins B.

Hazelnuts are recommended for people working in the minds, students, children. They can best be eaten alone, fried, mixed with cold fruit, mussels, yogurt, as a complement to breakfast. It is possible to prepare hazelnut milk, add to salads of fruits and vegetables, pastries, wafers, sweets, chocolate.


The raspberries are about 8% sugar (glucose and fructose), up to 2% of the acids – the raspberry variety (botanical name Rubus idaeus) has fruits from yellow-orange to purple to dark-violet, Salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory and post-operative effect: Raspberries have up to 5% fiber – promotes cholesterol degradation, they have about 20 mg / 100 g of vitamin C, many other vitamins, nicotinic acid and folic acid. They are rich in iron, zinc, copper and manganese – which is beneficial for anemia, and they contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and little sodium, but are not recommended for high purine content. atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

Raspberries are greatly used in the beverage industry, raspberry juices, compotes, pits are favored, frozen. They are a favorite addition to desserts and desserts. Similar uses have loganberry – raspberry raspberry with blackberry.


Mandarins – this is actually a whole group of citrus species.

Satsuma or Citrus unshiu comes from Japan, grown in Georgia, it is early, comes to market first. It has medium-sized flat fruit without seeds, with smooth, often with a navel.

Mandarin Mediterranean – (C. Deliciosa) was probably established in Italy and grown in the Mediterranean region. It usually has many seeds of spherical shape. It is very tasty – table fruit with aromatic bark.

The clementines (C. Clementina) originated from the Mediterranean mandarin crossing, but have significantly better fruits and are also more profitable.

Tanjerina (C. Tangerina) has a greatly red-orange-colored fruit – it has seeds.

The pulp contains a number of valuable substances, vitamin C – 45 mg / 100 g, bioflavonoids, provitamin A, enough vitamins B, about 20-30% pectin (in the fertilizer), essential oil for industry, many folic acid, sugars up to 14% minerals – mainly potassium, calcium and phosphorus, but also magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc. Mandarins are used to make juices, syrups, compotes, jams, such as table fruit, desserts, cottage cheese, yogurt,


Common tern (Amygdalus communis) is a tree closely related to peaches and other pecans. The fruit is a marshmallow with a crooked ruby ruby, inside there is a perforated furnace and there is a core – its own almonds. In Europe, they introduced the sweet almonds of the Greeks and the Romans. They are grown in warm regions around the world. Besides sweet almonds, there are bitter types.

Sweet almonds have 40-50% of oil, 16-30% of proteins, 4-8% of sugars, have a high energy value. They contain many vitamin B, most B2, and many vitamin E, folic acid. Mineral substances have an extraordinary amount of calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, iron, zinc, very little sodium. Sweet almonds contain glycoside amygdalin in a small amount, bitter almonds up to 5%. That’s why we do not use the bitter almonds. only in small quantities.

Almonds are very healthy for people with spine pains – it is advisable to eat about 10 per day. Or, it’s good to dip them overnight in the water and to pour in and eat slowly – this is good for the students, improves concentration and strengthens memory.


It’s actually a tropical apple. The origin of the Indian manga (Mangifera indica) is India, but today it is produced to a large extent in the tropics around the world.

The fruits of this tall evergreen tree are actually large, oval or cedar-shaped plumage, green to orange in color with a reddish-brown face. They have a spicy, tasty, fibrous, juicy pulp, yellowish or orange color with a large, flat-leather furnace with an edible core. Pecka is hardly separate from the flesh, so we have to cut the mango around the perimeter until the pecka and separate it.

Mango can be eaten raw or salad, can be used in hot kitchen. They are made from juices, compotes and crisp sauces (chutney). From the dried manga, the powder of ammur (amchyr) is mixed and added to the spices of Indian mixtures. This powder is excellent, for example, to acidify leguminous meals. In salads it is combined with cucumbers, onions, bananas, pineapple, citrus, and other spices.


The apricot has clear environmental requirements, inappropriately suffering from a stroke – death of branches or trees. Especially hates the crossing of geopathic zones. In our breeders, the breeders work intensively on harder varieties, with good results.

The fruit of the apricot is a yellow, orange or reddish color. The seeds inside the stalks are edible, mostly sweet, and they are used by the industry and in the households instead of the almonds. Pickled seeds are added in several pieces to apricot jam.

Apricots are rightly considered one of the healthiest fruit fruits. They have a lot of sugar – 6 – 10% and much more, an extraordinarily high content of provitamin A, vitamins B, vitamin C less – 7 mg per 100g. Also, many potassium, almost no sodium, much magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, , silicon, manganese, copper, etc. They support the body’s immunity against infections, improve the state of eyesight, skin, cure heart, asthma, promote growth,

They are made of juices, delicious jams, compotes, marmalades, dried. Apricot dumplings and desserts are known.

Peruvian Mochyne

Essentially, it is a vegetable whose fruits are used more as fruit. It is related to the perennial, cultivated ornamental mochyni, a general called Jewish cherry, whose blooming orange chalices “lampiónky” are used in dry bouquets.

The Peruvian Mochyne (Physalis peruviana) is a leafy plant, related to tomatoes originating in South America. But it has long been cultivated in Africa, Asia and Australia. Arabic is called harankaš. Other types of edible mochis with green or purple fruits are grown.

Peruvian Mochyne is a one-year-old plant, producing yellow aromatic sweet-sour berries, enclosed in a brownish-brown inflated cup. Gardeners call it Indian berries or inks. In our shops it has different names – eg capuli, pasa capuli or aquaymanto and its price is exaggerated real enormous.

Fruits contain 3-9% carbohydrates, about 0.3-0.8% fruit acids, pectins, in 100g about 30mg vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin B and others. Mineral substances mainly potassium and phosphorus, calcium, etc. They are considered healing in urinary stones, rheumatism, gall bladder and stomach problems. Fruits are eaten fresh or added to salads, processed into compotes, jams, canned and dried as raisins.

Passionflower – granadilla

Also known as passion fruit or maracuja, the fruits of tropical creepers from Brazil, now grown in India, Australia, Sri Lanka, South America and Africa, are also known in California. Ornamental kind of passion flower called “Christ’s crown” with beautiful flowers has been grown in our homes. The genus Passionflower is very extensive and covers about 350 species. Fruits are the best-known 3-4 species. Passionflower (purple, Passiflora edulis) bearing eggs of hen egg size, purple color, inside like a pomegranate filled with seeds covered with jelly, juicy pulp. It has about 17% carbohydrates, 2.2% acids. It contains very much provitamin A, also vitamins B, PP and vitamin C as citrus. The juice is tasty and very aromatic.

Prawn Pheasant (P. Quadrangularis) has yellow-green fruits. The herringbone has a large yellowish fruit and a red flesh. Striped Passionflower (P. Ligularis) has a hard yellow to orange marigold and inside black seeds covered with translucent pulp. All passion fruit is fresh, tasty, sweet-sour, after cutting the contents are spoonful. They are often added to tropical beverage blends that make them taste and accentuate. They also flavor fruit teas, ice creams are produced, etc. Juice or juice from the apprentices is proven for sleep disorders and high blood pressure.

Opuncie – nopál – tuna

Nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) has fruit juicy with sweet taste. They are also called Indian figs or cacti pears. Nopal cultivation has expanded considerably in Sicily. It is harvested here in August and the second crop is in November. It is much exported to the USA. There are other “cactus fruits” – another species of opuntia, the so-called tuna (Opuntia megacantha) – bigger and tastier, mainly grown in Mexico.

The berries are eaten as whey, they contain many seeds. Plants have thorns on the fruit, sometimes refined with fine hairs that wipe out before eating. They have up to 14% of sugar, vitamins C and B. They are prepared from desserts, desserts, salads, jams, beverages.

Walnut pecan

Pecan nuts or also puma are the fruits of a subtropical tree related to our walnut walnut. It originates from the southern part of North America, where it grows on the banks of large rivers and where its fruits have been collected by the Indians many centuries ago. Pecan nut (Carya pekan or C. illinoiensis) is botanically called a tree that produces walnuts similar to walnuts. However, they have a smooth, light-brown or golden shell, ending the tip. The kernel is similar to a walnut core. However, it has a finer taste.

Pekan is considered to be a high quality walnut. It has up to 71% fat, up to 10% protein. Interesting is the high content of provitamin A, it also contains B vitamins, high amounts of potassium and phosphorus, also calcium, iron, etc. Occasionally it occurs in big supermarkets, sometimes sold with nuts in syrup. Pecan nuts are consumed either directly or in combination with other nuts, etc.


In our nature, the most common is the blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and its hybrids. In the gardens is cultivated the endless variety Thornfree and old Wilson’s early sortie. Blackberries are better tolerated by drought, but strong frosts damage it.

Blackberries are collected in August and September. They contain about 5% of sugars, organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, also salicylic), tannins, dyes (with anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory effect), pectin etc. Vitamins, many provitamin A, C (20-30mg in 100g), very much vitamin E, vitamin K, many fiber. Mineral has the most potassium, phosphorus, a lot of calcium and magnesium, a little sodium, enough iron.

Blackberries are recommended for colds, rheumatism, obesity, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Raw pudding, cups, fruit salads and honey are added. They are processed for drinks, desserts, jams, compotes, syrups. Excellent is apple and blackberry jam. They also combine with blondes.


The original home of paprika melon (Carica papaya) is considered to be the tropics of southern Mexico and Central America. After the discovery of America, it quickly spread to the tropics all over the world. It looks like a palm tree, but it is a perennial, about 10 m tall woody herb, on the top with a rosette of large palm leaves with long petioles. Sometimes it is called a melon tree, because large fruits of spherical, oval and other shape resemble melons. They are yellow-green to orange-red in color and weigh up to 10 kg, most often 1-3 kg. Fruits – are hollow berries inside filled seeds. With fresh fruits we can rarely meet. Otherwise we can taste great juices, compotes, jams, dried and candied fruits. They eat salami – with pepper, chilli, sweet with another sweet kind of fruit. The plant contains latex with papain enzyme, helping to break down protein. It is used in pharmacy, food industry. The fruits have a good vitamin value somewhat higher than citrus. Seeds are used as pepper. The pulp contains up to 90 mg of vitamin C in 100 g, many provitamin A, B vitamins, lots of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron etc. Fresh papaya is often used as a part of breakfast.

Pine nuts

Beautiful pines – pine trees with an umbrella crown make the color of the Mediterranean along with cypress – mainly in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, the former Yugoslavia. But we can also find it in Syria, Iran, India, the Black Sea, etc. Pine Pinus (Pinus pinea) has a broad ovate cone that hides slimy seeds up to 2 cm long in reddish-brown or gray skins. After peeling, they are creamy white and are called pine nuts, pinlets or Italian pignols.

The seeds have large amounts – up to 31% of proteins, 47% of fat, are sweet – up to 12% of carbohydrates. They contain something of Group B vitamins, taste with almonds, with a faint, pleasant resin flavor, fresh and soft. They are mostly roasted and used in confectionery production, but also in preparation of slices, baking, sauces, salads, rice dishes. They are also tasty and eat as peanuts.


Botanically, pistachio is called pistachio (Pistacia vera) or pistachio. It comes from Central Asia and from there it has spread to Turkey, Iran, Italy, Sicily, Syria, Greece, Tunisia and elsewhere. Pistachio is a tree or a high shrub. The fruit is a pepper with a fleshy peel that will soon dry up. In the skin is a thin furnace and inside known green seed, also called green almonds. It grows in steppe, dry subtropics.

“Green almonds” contain 43-62% of fats, 19-23% of proteins, about 15% of carbohydrates. They have a high content of provitamin A, B vitamins. Of all the nuts they have the most iron, abundant potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Consumed raw, roasted. They are used in both salty and sweet dishes. Desserts, cakes, ice cream, salads, fried in egg and rice. It is advisable to eat at least 5 pistachios a day. It is suitable for the nervous system.

The shellfish

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), tortuous shrub, unpretentious, with silvery narrow leaves carries fruits of excellent biological value. It is a fashionable fruit of healthy nutrition promoters. Cosmonauts are even equipped with raccoon products to protect against radiation damage. If we want to harvest sessile, acid-yellow yellow to orange tiny rocks that cover branches, we must have both male and female plants. It can be grown well with us. It is a plant widespread in Europe, Siberia, Central Asia. Its disadvantage is the difficulty of harvesting the fruit.

Peckovičky in size from 0.5 – 1.5 cm are juicy, sour, with a pleasant scent. They contain 100 g of fruit in 100 or more daily doses of vitamin A, vitamins B, P, a lot of minerals (potassium, iron, boron, manganese) and other valuable ingredients. They have protective anti-infective ingredients, strengthen the peristalsis of the intestines, act against stomach problems, eliminate fatigue. Juices, juices, syrups, compotes, jams – often mixed with other kinds of fruit – are being prepared, dried. They are also added to sauces.


It originates from Southeast Asia from a medium-sized tree Nephelium lappaceum. Cultivated in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Zanzibar, Costa Rica, South Africa and elsewhere in the damp tropics. Fruits are oval or round berries of the size of a larger plum, with a skin covered with a number of soft, curved reddish spines. Inside is a very tasty, solid jelly pulp with one elongated seed, which is edible after eating. Rambutan is one of the most delicious tropical fruits, most of which are imported into our compotes.

Fresh fruits should not be green (little ripe). When consuming the fruit, peel off, remove the shaved skin and eat the sweetened flesh. Sometimes the fruit is also imported with the rest of the stem, because the fruits are arranged in sparse grapes. From ragout can be prepared desserts, rice puddings, fruit salads, light dumplings made of curd dough sprinkled with ground nuts, etc.


Today’s cultural varieties can be divided into 2 groups: red currants (Ribes sylvestre, R. rubrum), white currants (Ribes niveum). White currants contain many organic acids – 2.5%, mainly fruit, but also a small amount of oxalate, a considerable amount of pectin, and also tannins. Provitamin A is more in red than white currant. Currant has a group of vitamins B, especially many biotin and also folic acid. Vitamin C has 30-80 mg / 100g depending on the variety.

Currant supports appetite, improves digestion, strengthens intestinal peristalsis. Overall it is refreshing and recommended for fevers. Currants are the desired raw material for the beverage and canning industry. Excellent is, for example, curry juice juice. It is also used for home-made desserts, jams, syrups,

Sloves, renclods and mirabelles (pins)

From this whole group, the most valuable are renclods and mirabelles with solid flesh. Slives have a soft flesh, lots of juice, and they go worse off the cliff. They are very sweet and tasty. Botanically, this group belongs to Prunus insititia.

They have a similar composition to plums, but they can have much more sugar from 5-20%, more vitamin C up to 20mg in 100g, and more water up to 82%. Minerals have more than apples and pears, mainly alkaline – potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, zinc. Like plums, they are recommended for constipation, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, gout, rheumatism, high blood pressure. They are diaspora.

Spleen can be spherical, oval, from red and yellow to blue.

Mirabelky are tiny and yellow. Sometimes they’re messing with myrobolan. even it is edible – the flesh of its small rocks, but it does not go well from the rock, it has different colors and it is predominantly a rootstock. Mirabelka are suitable for compotes. Similarly, larger renclodes are used. These can be colored from yellowish to reddish to violet.

Sugar, jelly, dumplings, desserts are prepared from slives, but are less suitable for compotes.


It works against hypovitaminoses, improves pathological pigmentation, resists the body, reduces capillary bleeding, affects hematopoiesis, affects the good excretion and emptying of the intestines. This is because they have a high vitamin C content of up to 250-300 mg per 100g, a huge amount of vitamin P, provitamin A, flavonoids, B vitamins, vitamin E and K. Many minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur etc. They also contain tannins, mucilages, anthocyanins, sugars, pectin, silica, malic and lemon acids, etc. A number of new varieties of broad-leaved arrows with high pulp content are bred. You may know one of the “Carpathian” varieties. In the garden you can also grow roses with large arrowheads (Rosa rugosa) and other species. The fruit is harvested ripe but not frozen. Dry it at 40oC. Pots, jellies, marmalades, juices are made from them. Dried, dipped arrows or cold soaked water overnight are good for making a delicious sap of tea especially suitable for colds. We blend with honey. In Finland and Sweden, they prepare delicious soups from the arrows.


Among the plums (plums, plums, renclods, plums and mirabelles) have been the most valued plums of the year – the aromatic fruits with a firm pulp, a bitter peel, and going well from the rock. The botanical name has a plum home-made (Prunus domestica, conv. Domestica).

Plums can contain up to 15% of sugars (glucose and sucrose), also contain organic acids (malic, citric, quinine and salicylic traces) and flavonoids with anti-skeletal effect. Of the vitamins there are carotenes, vitamins B1, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, little vitamin C – up to 10 g / 100 g, quite a lot of vitamin E. Mineral substances are most potassium and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and copper. Raw and dried plums, as well as compote and pulp, have a slightly invisible effect. Dried plums promote the secretion of cholesterol from the body. They are also recommended at high blood pressure and have a diuretic effect, including rheumatism and the bottom. Diabetics should have limited consumption of plums, but should not exclude them.

The plums are cooked with excellent stumps, klevely (plums with cinnamon), compotes, marrow, beverages. Favorite plum dumplings, desserts.


This undoubtedly interesting fruit is popular in East Asia, America, Arab countries. It is an ancient refined East Asian species, often referred to as churma, kaki, persimon, botanically Diospyros kaki – Japanese tomato. You know his fruits from the countries around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. They are all over the world, especially where citrus grows.

Maybe you bought our fruit, berries like tomatoes with a large, green, green, yellowish, orange or reddish color. And if the fetus was immature, it did not taste you. At that time, he has a sour, bitter taste and crunchy consistency. After falling asleep and flesh it is pleasantly sweet, pungent and tasty as jelly.

Fruit is very healthy. It has up to 90 mg of vitamin C in 100 g (twice more than lemons), a lot of provitamin A, simple sugars, minerals, tannins. It has a beneficial effect on digestion. In the kitchen, marmalades, jelly, are prepared. They are suitable for puddings and fruit salads, sweet rice dishes.


Out of the countryside we know a number of types of wild cherries – birds. Cherry is our original species, years of cultivation in a variety of varieties. Known variety “Van”, which is good fresh, in desserts and compotes, is also known.

Cherry (Cerasus avium or Prunus cerasus) is an old fruit species, cultural cherries probably originated in Southeast Europe. The cherries are divided into solid cartilage and hearts with soft flesh. Fruits are especially suitable for children, they support growth. For large iodine content they are suitable for all those who suffer from thyroid problems and back pain. They contain 82% water, 12% more sugars. Vitamin C content is not high, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin E, higher levels of iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, zinc, boron, copper, manganese, rubidium, etc. Dyes (in dark cherries more) strengthen capillaries. Cherries also contain tannins. They are recommended to children and older people. They are beneficial in atherosclerosis, hypertension, constipation, anemia.

Cakes make delicious desserts, compotes, jams (with currant), musts, can be dried (like raisins), candy.


Wine, grapes, raisins, and a wine list – all this gives us a wonderful plant with a long history – grapevine. And how is the relationship with this plant our store and print uninitiated: grapes grapes called (it’s Slovak) and grapes (but it is still fluid, properly grape wine). Grape vines provide table grapes – small as well as large-grain, intended as fruit and grape grapes – those from which must is molded.

Table wines have less sugars than grapes and contain simple sugars – 10-30%, malic acid and tartaric acid, pectin, tannins, dyes, minerals (mainly potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, trace elements), relatively little vitamin C , Vitamin B, Carotene, etc. Grapes improve gastric secretion, intestinal peristalsis, liver function. They favorably affect heart, breathing, vascular expansion, renal function, and water changes in the body. Find out more vegetables fun facts.

In the kitchen we use grapes to decorate cups, desserts, fruit salads. We use raisins after spraying (to remove the oil that is treated during drying – it can make a toll and cause problems) in different pastries, Christmas bake, cheesecake, direct consumption for balancing the acid-base balance (because they are basics) Christmas, etc.


At shops, fresh fruit will not buy sour cherries, just compotes, jams, great juices and lemonades. They also boil and dry like raisins, they are loaded with sugar into honey.

Ceramus vulgaris gives a variety of varieties of sour cherries with dark juice, amaranth with unbaked juice and sweet (glasses, sweet-sour). They contain from 8 to 14% of sugar, 1.5% of fruit acids (malic, citric, amber, salicylic), pectin, minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, low vitamin C, carotene and B vitamins, tannins and dyes. Cherries are therefore a source of minerals and also have an effect on fever reduction, capillary strengthening, good against inflammation. For high iodine content they are suitable for patients with thyroid gland and spinal pain. On the following posts you can find many interesting facts about fruit and vegetables.

Vegetables as a Cure

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Vegetables as a Cure

Eating vegetables is as old as humanity. Already at the beginning of its development, an old man collected leaves, roots, onions, rhizomes, and wild plants in nature. Already supplemented the main nutritional substances with vegetable and medicinal ingredients.

What are vegetables in fact? The set of crops that we include is not precisely bordered – some species also belong to legumes (in maturity), sometimes under vegetables in some areas include root crops, (early potatoes, turnips, turnips), some cloves belong to spice and also medicinal plants. Atlas Web Blog will provide many vegetables fun facts, don’t miss them!


Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a precious and expensive vegetable for us. But the garden can be grown from pre-cultivated seedlings. Otherwise, it can be bought in a fresh or canned store.

Artichoke is a decorative plant, multi-year old (but the underground part of it often perishes) and we consume blossoms that have not yet blossomed. Mainly pulpy bed and fleshy parts of the bottom leaves of “flower”.

Artichoke has significant anti-sclerotic effects, lowers blood cholesterol, sugar, saves liver and gall bladder, and is suitable for rheumatism and people with high blood pressure. It contains a complex of active substances. Vitamins B, C, carotene, sugar inulin for diabetics, flavonoids, slime, minerals, mustard, etc.

When cooking, cut the stem, hardened and dried parts, and then lemon juice. Boil it in salted water with a little vinegar. We eat it boiled with various sauces, fried (beds), filled as a delicacy. While eating, we hold the artichoke with our left hand, rip off the flesh of the right, and then sip it in a sauce. Remove the unusual part (the remains of the flowers) with a knife and a fork with a fork and a pulpy bed.

Bamboo shoots

For us exotic vegetables, but in southern China and surrounding countries a regular part of the spring kitchen. In fact, they are the booming shoots of giant grasses of the Bambus species, growing in different parts of tropical and subtropical Asia, as well as Africa and America. Their season is short, they must be harvested and processed quickly, and soon they are woody. Either can be preserved in salt brine cut into bigger pieces or noodles or dried or smoked for local use.

Bamboo sprouts contain enough protein, carbohydrates, mainly in the form of starch, small amounts of fat and around 1% of minerals. The content of vitamins is not too high, especially in the sterilized product there are not many. They contain less vitamin C, vitamins B and others in traces.

Here we can buy sterilized shoots. They are part of Chinese and South Asian dishes. But they have spread to the kitchens of the US, Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, and Oriental restaurants all over the world, also in a variety of stuffing. In our place, we can replace celery, grubs, white cabbage, pepper, and other fruits.


We already come to the taste of great vegetables, not like a cauliflower. Broccoli (Brossica oleracea, var. Italica), as it appears from the Latin name, actually comes from the Apennine peninsula. However, intensive breeding work has been done on broccoli in the US, and is more popular than its younger follower, cauliflower. In recent years, varieties have varied in color from green to blue-green, violet, black-green, reddish, and so on. It is delicate, it eats all, including pulpy stems, which must be cooked longer than rosettes. These can also be eaten raw with various yoghurt or mayonnaise types.

Broccoli is strongly antisklerotic in its complex of content substances. It is very suitable for diabetics. It works against cancer, medicine for gastric duodenal ulcers, beneficial to the intestine. It is also a vegetable for a reduction diet.

Vitamin C has 3.5 times more vitamin C than citrus, many carotenes, a lot of vitamin E, niacin, biotin, vitamins E, etc. It has the most potassium, calcium and phosphorus minerals. It also contains iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and others.

Broccoli berme as a cure, cook for the shortest time. We prepare a delicious soup, a thick onion bowl with a little curry. And try delicious roses for cheese as a salad. We will prepare the dressing for one bigger broccoli100 g soy mayonnaise and 120 gwhite yogurt, finely chopped onions, ketchup spoon, mustard spoon and 3 tablespoons of fresh green greens (eg dill, chives, cherry, parsley, basil, melon, etc.). Add some salt and pepper, stir and pour small sprouts. Otherwise, we serve it with boiled grated cheese, almonds, sesame, can be baked, choked etc.


Celery (Apium graveolens, conv. Rapaceum) came to us early in the Middle Ages from Italy. The tuberous celery is popular with us, but it is almost unknown in Italy, France, Spain, and the USA, and there is cultivated celery celery with broad, pulpy, whitish leaf petioles. Besides, there is a ribbed celery that almost does not make bulrus and is cultivated for a delicate, aromatic flavor.

Since ancient times, celery has been valued as a cure. It has diuretic properties and so is recommended in the bottom, rheumatism, arthritis. It reduces blood pressure, cleanses the liver and reduces the blood sugar content of diabetics, soothe neurotic. The leaves have up to 75 mg of vitamin C in100 g(2x more than lemon), less root. It also contains provitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K, E, etc. It is rich in minerals, especially potassium (much more in leaves), phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine. Pectin is also in the bowl. If we use a bullet with a nail, we never let go of it.

Celery is excellent, for example, Soup, thickened with goulash, flavored with nutmeg. From a raw celery finely grated with carrots, a small onion and mixed with soy mayonnaise flavored with pepper, spreads are prepared. Without celery would not be the famous Waldorf salad, known in many variations. E.g. From a cup of whipped cream, a spoonful of lemon juice, a cup of cooked celery, 2 cups of apple cubes, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts, salt and pepper. Serve it as an appetizer.

Zucchini – vegetable gourd

In the last decade, the cucumber has gratefully accepted the menu as an increasingly popular versatile vegetable. It belongs to the species Cucurbita pepo, which is varied in shape and color. Famous zucchini green, gray-green, striped, but also black or whitish. This old vegetable species from Mexico and Central America is grown at least 7 thousand and according to some data 9 thousand years. The zucchini is related to the oil gourd, with dark seeds without a solid skin. It has become a popular part of a healthy diet, especially for men with prostate problems.

The cucumber, as well as other gourds, has a low energy value, contains 91% water, fiber, few carbohydrates and other ingredients. But it has a rich composition of minerals. It contains especially potassium, which drains excess water and salt from the body. It has very little sodium, many phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, it also contains iron, copper, fluorine, zinc etc. Vitamin has little – in100 gonly about 14 mg vit. C, B vitamins, folic acid, niacin,

Read something more about how to use fruits and vegetables as medicine. Gourd foods favorably affect the heart, kidneys, digestive system. They benefit diabetics, obese, gall bladders, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, gout. The cucumbers are the most delicious in size 20 -30 cm. At that time, we are not afraid of them. They can be used for vegetables, especially baked dishes, for filling, for pancakes like potato, soups, as cabbage, wrapped and fried, can be prepared for desserts, dumplings, salads. Taste is light, often supplemented with garlic, greens, spices.

One non-fatty recipe: Let’s take four small courgettes. Remove the pulp obtained, mix with200 gcooked rice, a handful of chopped nuts, a slice, 2 cloves of pressed garlic. Salt, season with a pinch of ground coriander, pepper, spoon basil or melons, parsley. Fill the cucumbers and bake in the oven in a baking dish with oil. And if it’s too humorous, let’s take the fantasies and spice up with spices, grated cheese or tomato paste.

Cheekbones pucks

As a new vegetable, she appeared in Brussels in 1846 when the gardener of the botanical garden noticed that solid and tasty puffs grew from the roots of the chicory for the production of a coffee-based peat. And since then it has been bred as a vegetable. It is also called witloof, Flemish white leaf (Cichorium intybus, var. Foliosum). So the first year grows roots, and then in winter, often without soil, fast in the dark at 14-16C to harvest fragile pucks.

It is a valuable winter and pre-harvest season. Vitamins do not have much but a good supply of minerals – potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, and so on. Diabetics benefits its carbohydrate inuin, intimate bitter in turn serves good liver, gallbladder, pancreas and digestive organs at all. The complex of substances contained in it stimulates blood circulation, protecting blood vessels.

Today we have a variety of varieties, even with reddish leaves. In the kitchen, it is best to use salad puffs for cheese, but can also be cooked, choked, baked, fried.

Try to taste the Belgian salad, which is cut into strips of 4 puffs, add 2 tablespoons of raspberries, 1 small on sliced onions, 1 to 2 pieces of orange peppers, 4 tablespoons of sage mayonnaise (white yogurt or sour cream), salt, ground pepper and 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds.


Beetroot (Beta vulgaris var. Crassa) is related to diabetes, mangold. It was known in antiquity, coming from the northern Mediterranean coast. Most grown in Eastern Europe and the United States. There are various types – red, with red and white circles, white and black. The top quality is red. There are also different shapes – spherical, spherical, cylindrical.

Red beet contains less amount of oxalic acid, so be careful with the patient’s urethra. Of sugars (having between 2 and 12%), there is quite a lot of sucrose – therefore, smaller doses of beet in diabetics. It also

contains many pectin that promotes the secretion of cholesterol, lead and radioactive substances. It has a higher protein content (1-3%) with valuable amino acids that are beneficial to brain metabolism. Betain acts against the tissues and protects the liver. Vitamins do not have much – about 15 mg of vitamin C, low carotene, and vitamin B1, B2. But it contains dyes (anthocyanins – red) beneficial to high blood pressure, for capillary strength. Beet is rich in potassium and magnesium – therefore it is suitable for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease and blood circulation. It has a very high iron content – most of the vegetables, also copper, so it is beneficial for blood formation. It contains a lot of microprojects – iodine, manganese, zinc content surpassing other vegetables, fluoro, cobalt, lithium, vanadium and others. In their complex, they promote insulin production, visual acuity, protection from heart attack, blood formation and metabolism at all. Fresh juice from beets (1/2 glasses 3 times a day) is recommended for cancer, liver disease, convalescence, etc.

In the US, a salad is prepared for Thanksgiving: zł / 2kg boiled, tbc of sliced beets, onion rings and oranges with 2 tablespoons oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, pinch of thyme, cinnamon, pepper and salt.

Garlic kitchen

Garlic (Allium sativum) has arrived in ancient times in the kitchen of ancient nations from the steppes of Iran and Afghanistan. She knew old China, Egypt, ancient nations. In India, it has long been used as a medicine and as a source of miraculous powers against evil powers. Today, garlic is known all over the world and used in the kitchen for its healing properties.

The entire plant is saturated with sulfur-containing silica. To anyone who has a nasty garlic smell, it is necessary to explain that this essential oil is a source of healing powers – it kills effectively germs, ie infections. Garlic, however, has other good properties, promotes bile secretion, prevents spasms, regulates intestinal microflora. It has a positive influence on breathing, blood circulation in the heart, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood sugar in diabetes, is recommended against atherosclerosis.

In the kitchen we use its compound onions of cloves – whole, pressed, dried, granulated and extract. Garlic bulbs contain half of vitamin C than in lemon, something carotene, B vitamins, PP factor. Much more is valuable content in leaves and beads. It also contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iodine and so on. Now in winter, garlic can be used for a famous garlic, toast,

Endivie – scabbard

Seldom you can meet with garden or endivia (Cichorium endivia) – only in select shops. It’s related to chicory and leaves it like a salad. He has not expanded in our country, but France, for example, weighs the endives otherwise, as well as Great Britain. Also the peoples of southern Europe, there is a popular antiquity there. It was considered a healing plant to strengthen the liver, and today’s medicine has confirmed.

From the 17th Century, endives, also called frisée, love the French. Two forms are grown – autumn curly mossy endives with fine, curved leaves, often with a black center. Winter endives, or escariolas, have thicker leaves, often tied to fade and soften. They are stiff and harvested at Christmas.

The clawback has a low energy value, the mineral has the most potassium. It is also calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron and other elements. Of the vitamins it has many provitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C to 20 mg in100 g, vitamins B1, B2, B6, enough folic acid, etc. Contains the active ingredient – bitumen intybine that promotes digestion and bile formation. Another ingredient suitable for diabetics is inulin. Endivie is bitter, and Czech tastes do not suit much, even if you can get used to it. We treat it as a salad, chopped with potatoes or with oranges, apples, basil, dill, hazel, along with nuts, onions, cheese, pepper, yoghurt, soy mayonnaise. But it is also cooked with butter, filled, stuffed with sauces, baked, etc.

Tasty salad can be prepared from a twig of twig, 2 peppers, 2 apples, l oranges, 3 tomatoes – all minced. Pour a mixture of 3 tablespoons of soy mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons of white yoghurt with a pinch of salt, ground pepper, ground ginger and sugar and a spoon of lemon juice. Suitable for cheese croquettes or fried cheese. Follow and you will always get the latest fruits and nutrition facts.


Phaseolus vulgaris is an ancient cultural plant. Most other beans come from America, part of Asia. Originally, the beans were only climbing. Nowadays, we grow a bean of a generous bean and a bean shrimp produced from it. We know varieties of green, black, violet or annealed pods of varying sizes. The beans were brought to Central Europe in the 16th Century. Today they are grown all over the world. Excellent pods have also a Phaseolus coccineus bean, a growing growing decorative bean with red, white or white-red flowers.

As a vegetable, we harvest unkempt pods. We use them only heat treated. Raw are slightly toxic. In our kitchen, this vegetable is not yet appreciated. They are rich in riboflavin (B2), folic acid, vitamin E. Vitamin C, carotene, niacin and other vitamins B are also present. Mineral substances have very much potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium , iodine, very little sodium, iron etc.

Beans are valuable vegetables in diabetes, reducing blood sugar. There are also antibacterial substances in the pods. Agglutinins have some influence in the prevention and treatment of malignant neoplasms. They are highly diuretic, so they are suitable for heart diseases and diseases of the bloodstream, kidneys. Beans are hardly sterilized in households for high protein content.

We prepare soups, accessories, potatoes, salads. They can be fried (cooked) in batter. I recommend a tasty berry attachment:500 g boiled or sterilized beans are spread on a bowl and pour over a mixture of separately roasted almonds (50 – 100 g) and into the glass of fried chopped onion (3 pieces) on 4 spoons of oil. Then taste with salt, pepper, ornament with red, eg sterilized pepper and parsley.


It is a delicious vegetable that is growing increasingly in Western countries. The delicacy was also in ancient times. It comes from the Orient. In l2. Century was grown in the Byzantine Empire, from 16. Centuries in the Netherlands, Germany, France. In Bohemia he expanded to l7. Century in Polabí, in Moravia near Ivančice. Then his glory ceased, he stopped growing.

Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus officinalis) is a plant that is demanding for warm, deep soil. Even growing is not easy. It is a perennial crop, creating many fine shoots that are bleached with a layer of soil. Today, varieties have also been cultivated, which do not have to be white and remain soft – green asparagus. It has a higher biological value. Bleached asparagus has about 20 mg of vitamin C in 100 g (green 2 x more, also double the provitamin A). It also contains B vitamins, vitamin E, folic acid, etc. It contains valuable minerals – potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, as well as iron, iodine, zinc, sodium. It acts as a diuretic. It is easily digestible.

The market has a fresh early spring, or sterilized all year round. Soups are prepared, salads, and is part of the cold kitchen. Most often, boiled, polished butter and grated cheese are served.

Head cabbage

Headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Sabauda) is unlawfully forgotten wheat. It is known from ancient times, it comes from the Apennine peninsula and has been grown in Central Europe since the 17th century. It is a plastic species that creates a variety of varieties from early to summer, late, winter. The cold is defiant. English is called kel, cabbage is a cabbage.

Cabbage is a biologically valuable vegetable. It has a higher protein content and also health benefits of fiber. Few know about her rich vitamin composition. It has 3 times more vitamin C than lemons (105 mg in100 g), many provitamin A, B vitamins, niacin, contains mannitol suitable for diabetics, inositol with anti-skeletal effect. Methionine has a healing effect in stomach ulcers, duodenum. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin K. Mustard oil has a counter-effect. The basic content of minerals is potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, boron, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, chromium, fluorine, zinc. It is a remarkable vegetable, deserving more frequent representation in the kitchen. However, the defect is – it is flat, so we add caramel, saturak, coriander, basil in the dishes.

We prepare soups, vegetable marshmallows, herb fillers, she is able to stomp the “dandruff” from the dough dough. Tasty is a cabbage bake: Probably600 gturn the head and cook in salted water. Pick up the bake with fat, roll the wheels of 2 onions, put about half of the chopped cabbage, a clove of garlic, sprinkle with a spoonful of sakejka. We divide half of it (from600 g) of boiled potatoes, cumin, half of 300 gtofu cheese. We will repeat the layers, the top should be cabbage. Pour the milk with a little bit of soy flour, salt, pepper and sprinkle a pinch of chili. Discover some facts about fruits.

Carrot and carrots

Carrot (Daucus carota) is a common name for all types of carrots. Karotka we call early varieties of carrots, which mostly have a dull root and a fine pulp. Late, large types are called carrots, they are mostly pointed and well stocked.

Carrots are the original European plant and have been grown and cultivated since antiquity. But it was known earlier to Germans and Slavs. Carrot is an important source of provitamin A, carotene. Contains it in100 gup to 10 mg. Interestingly, it is best used in heat-treated carrot with fat – the human body uses it up to 60%. Of the raw carrots finely chopped about 30%, biting carrots just 5%. There is also a little vitamin C in the carrot, as well as Group B vitamins. Rich in vitamin E and nicotinic acid. It also contains inomitol important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Minerals have a high potassium content, especially magnesium, phosphorus, and chlorine. Also numerous microelements, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc. Carrots increase the resistance of the organism, it is recommended for constipation, liver, kidney, cardiovascular diseases. Supports development and growth in children, benefits pregnant women. It is important after a heart attack, when you are struggling with sight. Carrot pulp accelerates wound healing, but is not suitable in larger doses for ulcer disease and diabetes (sucrose). However, it is generally beneficial.

And one Arabic cuisine: Probably 600 gyounger carrots are cleaned and drained. We will lightly speak. Spread the chopped nuts and chopped onions on a spoon of fat, mix it300 gsoy sauce or tofu, salt, pepper, 2 cloves of pressed garlic, spoonful of celery. Fill the carrots with the carrots, bake them with oil, along with the hollow inside. Then we cook or bake in the oven with a glass of broth. This is the rice. And in the Arabian countries tahini sauce (sesame).

Kedluben – cabbage cabbage

The close relative of all brassica oleracea (var. Gongylodes) is known about two hundred years before our birth. His ancestor was a Pompeii brukve, a primitive kohlrabi with only a reinforced stem. The present form of the kangaroo is probably from two centers – the Mediterranean and China.

Kohlrabi have many types, varieties differing in the development period, so they can be on the market for the whole year – from the early rapids to the huge cauldrons of the Czech variety “Gigant”.

Kohlrabi is a vitaminous vegetable. It has up to 60 mg of vitamin C in100 g, also contains carotene, vitamin E, B1l, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin K. It also has many potassium, also calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, boron, iron, iodine, cobalt , copper, molybdenum, nickel, silver, chromium, fluorine, zinc etc. The microelements are very valuable. It contains anti-sclerotic inositol, sugars tolerated by diabetics. Sulfur compounds act against bacteria. The kohlrabi has a low energy value and is suitable for reducing diets.

It can be consumed both for cheese and cooked. It is suitable for soups, pastries, filling, preparation of potato pancakes, salads, etc. “Gigant” is roughly grated with a raw cheese salad with hot pepper, salt, lemon juice, cold pressed and grated horseradish oil. Kidclub “potato pancakes” can be prepared from 4 medium – sized, roughly – grated kohlrabi, salted, peppers, crushed garlic, slightly cooked flakes, marjoram spoon and 4 tablespoons flour. Mix dough and fry thin flesh. They taste great.

Sweet corn

Corn is known as a crop of about 2500 years, it was the most widespread plant in Pre-Columbian America, Peru and Bolivia. Sweet corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata) is younger, we have known it since the 18th Century.

As a vegetable, young immature grains are used in dairy waxy maturity, ie soft, easy to drench with nail. Cucumber grains can also be used raw. Especially in America frozen or preserved grains are popular, in recent years they are also available in our country. Sweet corn can be grown in our conditions in warmer areas, in protected areas, in gardens. However, it has longer vegetation times than other types whose lengths are longer10 cm can also be used as vegetables.

Young corn grains have almost 20% carbohydrates, proteins, fats. It has somewhat higher energy value. Mineral substances have the most potassium, phosphorus and calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese and slightly sodium. Vitamins are not particularly rich, containing about 12 mg of vitamin C in100 g, vitamins B1, B2, something niacin, some vitamins B are missing. It also contains pectins supporting the digestive process and good vascular status.

In the kitchen is used mainly heat treated, mixed with peas, carrots, paprika, beans into soups, attachments, salads, vegetable dishes etc. We offer a recipe from Australian cuisine for vegetable salad with potatoes. Approximately 1 kg of boiled potatoes are cut into cubes, mixed with a cup of sterilized peas al – 2 cups of cooked (sterilized) corn grains. Add a bunch of radishes with slices, salt, pepper. Mix 2 cups of white yoghurt (sour cream), 1/2 cup soy mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a spoon of mustard al / 2 cups of sliced parsley. Mix everything and cool. Australians still add a spoon of fresh chopped mint or basil.


Some botanists consider the cauliflower India, other Eastern Mediterranean. The first credible news about it dates back to the 12th Century from Cyprus, then in the 16th century. To us came from Italy and the name cauliflower is the garbage name cavolfiore.

Today, cauliflower (Brassica oleracea, var. Botrytis) is grown around the world. It belongs to a wide family of sturgeons. Cauliflower rosette is not a flower, they are tufted, tapering flower stalks. The actual flower is similar to a rape, they are a tiny black flower, which is blooming for the second year.

As for content, cauliflower has a lot of protein and valuable, irreplaceable amino acids. Vitamin B1, B2, B6, many vitamin K, etc. Minerals are mainly potassium, but also many phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, iodine , manganese and sulfur. Contains mannitol suitable for diabetics. Cauliflower benefits good skin, mucous membranes, hair health. The ingredients act against bone thinning, nail breakage, promote good joint function, have anti-sclerotic effects. Cauliflower is not recommended in the bottom (purine), also in the inflammation of the liver and gall bladder.

From cauliflower, prepare soups, serve with sauces, fry, roast, suitable for omelettes, salads, can be planted and prepared in hundreds of ways. Less common and tasty is the cauliflower treatment according to Parisian: We will cook the big cauliflower in half water in salt water. Drip and place on a baking dish with butter. FROM200 ghard cheese and tofu cheese, cut the blocks and pour through the cauliflower. With 3 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of butter, prepare the juice, dilute2 dlmilk, cook and pull out of the fire. Mix a little milk, salt, pepper, parsley and 2 tablespoons of grated cheese. Put the cauliflower over the sauce and bake golden brown.


Mangold, also a cicada (Beta vulgaris, var. Cicla) is a close relative of salad beet sugar beet. But the edible part is the leaves, the bullet does not form. It is a plant originating from the eastern Mediterranean, known for antiquities and before.

It is a typical Dalmatian foliage, widespread in Western Europe and North America. Used as spinach, peppers like asparagus. It forms leaf types with narrow petioles and petioles with petioles i5 cmwide. Dappies are whitish or red, leaves dark or light green, or red. It is a plant that should not be missed in the garden, the leaves can be harvested for a long time. They can sneak from the roots. They are tasty, slightly sweetish, with a weak beet flavor. Here he supplies betaine, effective along with other anti-corrosion agents, activates the activity of the liver and prevents fatty degeneration.

Mangold is healthier than spinach. It is suitable for a reduction diet. Does not contain so much oxalic acid. There is a lot of potassium in it, calcium, but also sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and other elements. They include vitamins – about 40 mg of vitamin C in100 g (such as oranges), provitamin A, niacin, B vitamins and bioflavonoids, folic acid, etc. It has a slightly invisible effect.

Mangold can be eaten raw (only leaf blades) as a part of salads or cooked like spinach and other dishes. From the mango, we prepare soups, stuffing in salty stuff and cakes, pancakes, croquettes, very tasty are the leaves baked with potatoes and cheese, rolls and rolls with various stuffing, can be part of Indian and Chinese dishes,

Vegetable pepper

Paprika came to us from warm Central America. Colombia’s expedition from Haiti was brought to Europe – originally just burning types. Then it spread to the Balkans, to Hungary, to Spain. In other European countries, it was only in the 19th century. Gradually, the vegetable type (Capsicum annuum) with a stronger pulp and varied shape and color was developed. Immature are usually green, mature color changes from whitish through orange, black, red, red, dark purple.

Even in vegetable varieties are hotter types. The alkaline capsaicin acts as alkaline. Particularly unsalted peppers are a huge source of vitamin C (140 to 400 mg of vitamin C in100 g), mature in turn have more provitamin A, especially red. They also contain vitamins B1, B2, niacin, folic acid, vitamin E. Many types of dyes are present in the pulp, from which flavonoids strengthen the blood vessels. Mineral has many potassium but also phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, etc. It also contains phytoncides, inhibiting the development of bacteria. It supports appetite, activity of digestive juices, bile, thyroid gland. It is more digestible, especially peel. It is generally beneficial to health but less suitable for diseases of the stomach, intestine, gall bladder.

We use it as fresh as possible (or even frozen), cut shortly before the food with a knife for small pieces. It is suitable for salads, for filling, mixed with tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, for baking, skewers, etc.

After Italian we can cook pepperoni: In a saucepan, we crumble 4 chopped onions on 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then pour a little water and add about 600 gchopped mulberries, slices of 4 cloves of garlic, l / 2 teaspoons of rosemary, l / 2 teaspoons of sage, pinch of thyme, salt, pepper. Season for 10 minutes, then add about 8 tomatoes cut into squares. Stir for a further 10 minutes and slicing the chopped parsley. And to this, polenta or buckwheat.


We often buy a parsnip instead of parsley in the store. The use is similar. Pastinaca sativa, however, is a different type of root vegetable, although it is similar to the parsley root. His hair is not used.

Pastaink is an old cultural plant grown for at least 3000 years. It is sweeter than parsley, and in ancient times it was similar to potatoes. It has a higher energy value:100 gedible share = 100 gmilk. The mineral content is high – in100 gup to 1200 mg, of which half of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Of the others there is a lot of magnesium, iron. It has little sodium. It is rich in aromatic oil. The parsley contains from root vegetables the most vitamin C – up to 32 mg in100 gof the root. Some of the kitchens are specifically used, eg Irish cooks beer, making jams – it has up to 15% carbohydrates.

It is also a medicinal herb recommended for rheumatism, flatulence, but also against neuroses. Due to its higher content of essential oil it should not be used in large quantities. But more frequent inclusion of a small amount is beneficial to health. It is suitable for the preparation of soups, for slurries combined with potatoes, for preparation of crumbs, as part of root vegetables under soybeans.

Less common are parsnips: Cook l / 2kg of cleaned parsnips with salt, 4 peppercorns, 4spice of new spice, bay leaf and a pinch of thyme. Then we will crush it with a fork, add a little soy flour, 2 tablespoons of milk, 2 tablespoons of grated cheese, l (4 teaspoons of Gourmet sauce, salt, a pinch of chilli), mix and pancakes wrapped in flour, fry with spinach and potatoes.

Chives right

In winter, we are missing fresh vegetables, so we are greeted with a gleaming chive, whose lush greenery and biologically valuable content adds to our dishes and refreshes the body.

In Europe, chives (Allium schoenoprasum) have been grown since the 16th century. It is also found in mountain ranges at streams and springs. Most valuable is the use of fresh chives, it can also be frozen in small portions of small cut. Drying is less convenient.

It is best to cut the chicken with a stainless steel knife just before the meal. It is in100 gabout 100 mg of vitamin C (3 times more than lemons). It also contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, sulfur with sulfur, antibacterial substances, minerals – especially potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur etc. It affects positive digestion, somewhat reduces blood pressure, restricts intestinal parasites.

Its pleasant aroma of onion and garlic is suitable for flavoring soups, cooked rice or potatoes, spreads, sauces, dough for cheese, vegetables, cold kitchen.

Beijing cabbage

In our stores it is found under the wrong name of Chinese cabbage. It’s not a detail, but the Beijingese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) forms heads, also called pe-tsai. Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis) has looser stiffer leaves and is called pak-soi. The market has therefore wrongly prescribed Chinese cabbage. But that’s why we will not lose the great vegetables of the Far East. Most of Beijingese cabbage actually grows around Beijing. From 19. century is known in Europe and only a few decades in our country. Find out more vegetables nutritional facts.

It’s a great vegetable – it can be harvested from 60 to 90 days of sowing. Beijing cabbage is low-energy vegetables. Lkg has 665 KJ. It’s also a vitaminous species – young fresh leaves have 36-80mg of vitamin C in100 g- more than lemons, contains carotene, niacin, vitamins B1, B2 and others. Mineral contains very much potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, a small amount of sodium, etc. Contains anti-sclerotic and healing substances in the digestive tract.

In the kitchen, we best adjust the cross-sliced leaves to a delicate lettuce. It can also be cooked, choked, baked, made from soup, Chinese dishes, etc. We will prepare a less usual salad from400 g sliced cabbage, 4 spoons of soy sprouts, 6 radishes (or a piece of white Japanese radish) sliced, 50 graisins boiled with boiling water and then soaked in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Mix everything and pour over a spoonful of lemon juice, a spoonful of oil, a spoonful of soy sauce, a clove of garlic (wiped) and a pinch of Chinese pineapple (if not, then we’ll give ginger).

Parsley curly

Parsley has come to Central Europe through the ancient Romans. It is originally in the Mediterranean. The current kitchen needs petrol (Petrolinum crispum) everyday. Parsley is rich in minerals: in100 g are about 1630 mg, of which half are potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, etc. The vitamin content of 100 gup to 170 mg of vitamin C (four times more than oranges). Parsley is also rich in carotene, B vitamins, of which there is a considerable amount of vitamin B12 that affects hematopoiesis with iron. Also contains flavonoids, essential oils and other substances.

Parsley is an extraordinary diuretic, suitable for kidney patients, high blood pressure, prostate inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism, cellulite. It has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and the liver. It has an effect on blood circulation, it is recommended to people with a sick heart. However, we do not overpower: 2 tablespoons of ready-to-eat, freshly sliced parsley (and this is important – because long cooking destroys vitamin C and essential oils) for one person is enough. High doses are not healthy, especially for pregnant women. But it should be on a plate a day.

Add parsley to soups, sauces, apples, potatoes, pasta, rice, dumplings, scones, spreads, cold meals. We can fill with parsley’s weak roots and a pot of “parsley” pot. In the warmth, we reap a fresh chick in the winter and spring. We can prepare parsley fried in batter: 3 tablespoons flour or chick peas, soy flour, milk, salt, pepper, oil spoon, grated spoonful of cheese and chili. Dough the parsley into batter and fry in oil. With potatoes and white yoghurt flavored with salt, pepper, garlic and fresh cucumber. So they consume it in the Balkans. If we haven’t given any information about some fruit or vegetable, you can always contact, and learn some interesting facts about fruit and vegetables.


It’s very old vegetables. According to Emperor Nero, he was influenced by the strength of the voice and the creed of the soldiers. In the Middle Ages it was greatly grown. It comes from the Asian Front and has spread to Asian countries, mainly China, Japan, Korea, where it has become a permanent part of their kitchens.

Winter pores are more often grown in our country, they are shorter, frost-resistant. Summer is grown in southern Europe – they have long whitish rocks. Leek (Allium porrum) is a close relative of the onion. Leek is a vegetable of mental work, encourages brain activity. It is also suitable for rheumatism, daytime, heart disease, obesity. It also has a positive effect on the respiratory organs, stomach activity, liver and gall bladder activity.

It is rich in vitamins – it has more vitamin C than lemon, it also contains carotene, vitamin B, vitamin E, niacin. In the green section it has up to twice the amount of vitamins against white. That’s why we do not completely cut the green leaves, but on the contrary, we will use healthy parts in the kitchen, sliced for freshness. Of course, it contains plenty of minerals, most potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, little sodium.

The leek can be fried in a trio, we make great soups, sauces, it belongs to Chinese dishes, it can be baked with potatoes, made of salted cake, soy meal, etc.

Take 4 portions of soy beans, cubes or slices, spoon soy sauce, add boiling water and let it swell with a spoonful of soy spice (or 1/2 teaspoon of ginger and a pinch of hot pepper and chilli). In the pan, warm 3 tablespoons of oil, bake soymeat, add about 3 leeks finely chopped, mix, slightly salted and pour the rest of the liquid after soaking the soy bars (about 1/2 dl – 1 dl) in which the spoon was mixed. Slice and serve with rice.


It is one of the most widespread vegetables in the world. The history of its cultivation in Europe is not long. Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) originates in Peru and Ecuador and has only begun to breed larger fruit in Mexico. The original fruits were currant size.

It came to Europe in the 16th Century. At first, it was considered to be an ornamental and also a poisonous plant. Since the 18th century, it has been gifted and enjoyed in Europe. Then, in the 19th Century, the journey back to America, but with bigger fruits, refined, along with European immigrants. Tomatoes are grown in 2 incremental types such as sticks and shrubs. And then there is a whole range of varieties of different sizes, qualities, shapes, colors from white to black and red to purple and annealed.

Tomato has a low energy value. In the fresh state, it has many vitamin C (1.5x as lemons), provitamin A, niacin, vitamins B, E, K. Minerals of most potassium and phosphorus, calcium, many magnesium, low sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, cobalt, nickel, boron etc. Their composition is antibacterial, bluish and diuretic, they have a curative effect in atherosclerosis, fatty liver degeneration, they promote hemoglobin formation. Suitable for rheumatism, diabetics, lowering blood pressure.

Tomatoes are widely used in both hot and cold dishes. Of course, it is best to eat them fresh, in salads, etc. A delicious delicacy is filled with tomatoes. Try it filled with herb cheese. We need 8 tomatoes, cut them off, pour them, salty and pepper. We will die150 g2 tablespoons of cream, pressed garlic clove, a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons chopped chives, parsley, cress (dill or basil), melons, etc., a few drops of soy sauce. Fill the tomatoes with stuffing and lay the leaves of lettuce lettered with lemon and tomato leaves.

Revere, rhubarb

This perennial Rheum rhabarbarum came to Europe from the Barbarians – from Mongolia, Zabajkalí and China. Already 3,000 years ago, China was used as a medicine, fruit or vegetable.

In Europe, the English and the Germans first tasted it. From 18. The century has broadened.

Soon it grows, so its petioles are gradually decayed, Jana, later the oxalic acid content increases. However, it is good to supplement it with milk products from the beginning of the harvest.

In spring, the composition of acids is mainly for malic acid, later the oxalate content increases – the salt of oxalic acid with calcium and magnesium. Most contain potassium and calcium, including magnesium and phosphorus. Very little sodium has, iodine, iron and so on.

Of the vitamins it has less vitamin C (half of lemon), provitamin A, vitamin B, niacin, antisklerotic flavonoids. It effectively kills harmful microorganisms, it benefits the blood circulation, it is diuretic. Not suitable for patients with gallbladder and urethral stones. Otherwise it is a vegetable used as a fruit, occasionally in the spring time very beneficial. Prepared from it are desserts with cottage cheese, dumplings, fruit soups, compotes, preserves.

One prescription for a quick and inexpensive cake: Put 1-2 white yogurts in a bowl and leave the crucibles to measure. Mix 1 cup of semolina flour, 1/2 cup of sugar, a little soy flour and milk, a teaspoon of baking powder for 1 cup of yoghurt. Mix the semi-prepared dough, put it in the erased form (2 to 3 crumbs on the plate), roll the doughs of the rhubarb and top with a crumb of 4 tablespoons of flour, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of margarine, spoonful of cinnamon. And we can still sprinkle with sesame seeds or chopped nuts (2-3 tbsp).

Brussels sprout

The youngest species of brandy vegetables is rosemary cabbage. In the first written records of the end of the 16th century, it is written about it as “a rare, unnecessary type of cabbage with many small heads”. In the 17th century, he began to develop intensively in Belgium. Today it is a world vegetable, most widespread in Western Europe, the USA, but also in Central Europe.

Rosy cabbage (Brassica oleracea, var. Gemmifera) is a very cold defiant vegetable. It has a high vitamin C content of up to 120 mg in100 g, many carotene, vitamin E. It contains vitamin B1, B2, B, nicotinic acid, leaf. It also has many proteins with valuable irreplaceable amino acids. It is rich in methionine with healing effect in ulcerative disease. Mineral has many potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. But also many microelements (boron, iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, silver, chromium, fluorine, zinc etc.)

Růžičková cabbage in its complex composition acts antisklerotically, bacteriostatically.

Rufous cabbage is an important vegetable for the freezer industry. We prepare white soups, rice supplements, Chinese dishes, soybean meal, and cooked salad salad, can be cooked and fried.

Baked rosemary cabbage is prepared from about 20 to 30 cooked rosettes and placed in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, sprinkle with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. We alternate layers, eventually pour2 dlmilk, water with garlic, taste salt, a pinch of ground nutmeg and bake in oven. We can add even100 g soybean tempeh cheese or Robi plant meat.

Redcurrant black

Black radish (Raphanus sativus, var. Niger) was grown in China 4,000 years ago. However, it was known somewhat earlier in ancient Egypt. The Slavs knew it only in the Middle Ages. It is considered not only as a vegetable but also as a medicinal plant.

We know the varieties with round balls with an elongated shape. Blackcurrant has a great pepper flavor caused by mustard oil that contains sulfur. This oil has black radish most of the related types of radish and radish. Radish juice is recommended for insomnia, headaches, honey, and bronchitis. It is not to be consumed in gastric and duodenal ulcers and inflammatory diseases of the digestive and excretory system.

Energetically, black radish is poor but is very rich in potassium, lime, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, copper, has little sodium. Vitamin C is like lemon, vitamin E, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B6, and so on. It effectively promotes digestion, bile discharges, urine, but does not recommend large doses. Black radish is sliced on thin slices for bread with tofu cheese spreads. Excellent is salad from giant kohlrabi, roughly grated salted and with addition of finely grated black radish, acidified according to taste. Tasty salad is made of roughly grated radish (100 g) and apples (200 g) with finely chopped onion, salted and mixed with 3 tablespoons of soy mayonnaise and the same white yoghurt. May be sprinkled with chopped nuts or stir the spoonful of raisins.

Japanese radish

Only in recent years have we recognized very good white Japanese radish. Large elongated rounds of hybrid varieties are also called daikon or rammenas (Raphunus sativus var. Longipinnatus). They are imported under the name Rettich. They are only in the middle of July for autumn harvest. The original radishes are ancient vegetables, they were known at the time of the pyramid building and were considered to be a source of strength and health.

Something about that claim. Radish has remarkable antiseptic properties, effectively stimulates the digestive system, acts diarrhea, bile duct and is recommended for respiratory diseases. It also acts against atherosclerosis. Not suitable for stomach and duodenal ulcer disease and digestive tract inflammation.

Radish contains high amounts of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, relatively more than other vegetables of sodium, iron, copper, etc. The chemical composition of radish is different, Japanese radish contains less sulfur dioxide. Vitamins contain as much vitamin C as lemon, carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin B1 and others.

Japanese rabbits eat best raw in salads, on baked bread, but also heat-prepared, especially in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Perhaps you will enjoy this salad: 4 slices of tofu cheese will fade, then we will cut off a little. Put the chopped red radish on thin slices, add chopped red pepper, mix with tofu cheese and pour over 3 tbsp. Of oil, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard, pressed cloves of garlic, pinch of sugar, salt, pepper, chilli and a small sprig of sage.


Radish is a popular, easy-growing vegetables of early spring, late summer, and autumn.

The ancestor of our multiverse radish probably originated in Welsh and the northern coast of Europe, not until the 16th Century. Botanik Mathioli described it in the 16th Century, and then the black skin was black. Radishes seem to have created more powerful radish. Today we have one-color radishes – white, red, scarlet, purple, black or two-color red and white. Also, the shape is varied – from spherical to oval, cylindrical or conical. The earliest are grown in 20 to 25 days.

The special value of radish is that it is one of the first fresh vegetables in the spring season and is therefore the source of many valuable ingredients.

It contains fewer minerals than related radish, but it is mainly represented by potassium, calcium, sulfur and others. Vitamin C, carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamins B is present. Contains active antibacterial substances. Radish promotes appetite, acts as a diarrhea and bile. It also affects the respiratory system. Stimulates blood circulation.

Spring radishes are fresh. Excellent is spreads of curd, radishes and young onions, Dill, or a supplement of sour cream, radishes and onions or chives. It is suitable for mixtures of salads with cucumbers, lettuce, cheese, apples, onions, etc. The surplus is delicious stewed radish. They can also be combined with soybeans or tofu cheese. Throw the chopped soaked soy cubes on 3 tablespoons of oil, add about 30 radishes, season, add 1/2 teaspoon of ginger, a pinch of salt and sugar, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, pour a mixture of spoonfuls of water, a spoon of soy sauce, we will shortly cook. Rice or pasta.

Garden cuttings

Again, one green spice or vegetable herb that will increase the biological value and taste of the food in the winter.

On the markets in Denmark, the Netherlands and elsewhere, a box of sprouts can be bought with fresh cress. In our country we can grow it in the heat and light in the kitchen in a week. Just a vegetable-wrapping tray that spreads the cotton wool, dampen with lukewarm water, and sowing seeds of watermelon (can be bought in seedlings). Carefully water and cut off small plants in a week with a pleasantly pungent radish flavor. It has up to 100 mg of vitamin C in100 g, carotene, vitamins B, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, magnesium, enzymes, mustard glycoside, etc.

Particularly in winter and early spring it affects human metabolism, improves digestion. We use the garden sage (Lepidium sativum) exclusively fresh. For bread with butter, for cheese spread, for omelet, for potato and vegetable salads, for cold mayonnaise sauces, for white yoghurt, for decorating in cold kitchen.

Louis Armstrong liked a big sandwich with a cress. Divide the small baguette lengthwise, smear with butter, sprinkle with watercress, sauté the slices of Peking cabbage, lightly soak the mayonnaise, put the leaves of lettuce and again use mayonnaise tomatoes, add mayonnaise, squeeze slices of cucumber, add mustard and overlap the top half of baguette.

Salad leaf

Lettuce salad (Lactuca sativa, var. Crispa), which has been growing in recent years. It was already known in ancient Persia, from the 6th Century was grown in Greece, later in Rome.

This salad does not create a head but loose, very fine curved leaves of a variety of colors – green, black or reddish-brown. We know two types – to comb – there are the leaves separated individually from the bottom of the buckwheat or the salad to cut when the rosettes are cut 2 -3 cmabove the ground and the furry grows again. Foliage salad develops rapidly and can be harvested 4-6 weeks after sowing. We use it only fresh, it is delicious, tasty – in salads or as a decoration of dishes. Its coloring and curling is very decorative.

Shallot (onion)

We often read about it in the French and Old Czech regulations. We are also called breeding in our country. It belongs to the gourmet cuisine.

Against the onion kitchen has more essential oils, vitamins and sugars (simple), and more water. It has about 13-15 mg of vitamin C in100 g. It is very rich in potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, low sodium, sulfur, silicon, selenium, iodine. Other substances are essential oils with anti-bacterial action. Its components improve digestion, reduce blood sugar, counteract hypertension, atherosclerosis. It is suitable for pectin and slime in bronchitis. It is diuretic. Not suitable for ulcer disease.

Shallot is a delicious onion. It is used heavily in cold kitchens, for baking, for baking. Tasty tofu cheese on shallots, spiced with green pepper and rosemary. Serve the portion, bake 3 tablespoons of fat, add500 gslices of coarsely chopped, 2 cloves of garlic sliced. Sprinkle into glass, pepper, sprinkle with a spoonful of green pepper and simmer for a long time. Then add a spoon of roasted rosemary. If the cheese is soft, we’ll take it out, juice

dry with a spoonful of flour, add some water and cook. Serve with potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.


Which way to get your spinach? Why not, health benefits. It has been known since the tenth century when it was brought to Europe by Arabs from the Transcaucasus. It was expanded to the end of the 16th Century throughout Europe and was already popular.

Spinacea oleracea (Spinacea oleracea) today rarely grows in the garden, although fresh leaves have a better taste. But it is commonly at hand like frozen spinach puree.

Fresh spinach has two more vitamin C than lemons, many carotenes, vitamin E, vitamin K and PP, also vitamins of the group B. In the older leaves also contains magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper, silicon. The saponins contained in it support digestion. It has a strong diuretic effect, it benefits the blood circulation, serves the thyroid gland well, the gall bladder. But we do not eat huge portions and not too often. Especially people with toil and stones. And add milk, cheese. We never reheat it again, creating nitrites harmful to health. Still, spinach is a very valuable vegetable, can be consumed fresh in salads or heat-treated in soups, fillings of pastries, roasted with potatoes or pasta. What about a stuffed spinach stuff? Take a pack of frozen spinach on onion with oil (2 tablespoons), a clove of garlic, sprinkle with nutmeg and thicken. Season, add 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts, mix, remove from fire. Spinning around spinach100 ggrated cheese. Let’s cool down and fill the loose leaf dough like sturdy. Bake, sprinkle with the roasting spice and a little sesame seed and bake. Tasty warm and cold.


Topinamburs (Helianthus tuberosus), called Jewish potatoes or Jerusalem artichokes, are related to sunflowers and are of North American origin. The Indians were grown and came to Europe in l7. Century. In our country they are grown only as feed, but in other countries they often come to the kitchen, especially diabetics.

Eating is the tuber, dug in late autumn, in frosty winter, or early in the spring. They are actually made like potatoes. They have up to 16% of inulin, a sugar that is well tolerated by diabetics. They also contain 1.5% of fiber and up to 2% of minerals with potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and very little sodium. Trace elements such as silicon, zinc.

Topinamburs can be fried like French fries, cook or eat raw. They are popular in Arabic, Southern France, the United States, and wherever potatoes are worse. They can be used for baking, slices, mash, choked with vegetables.

Do you grow topinamburs? Then try an arabian porridge made of boiled tomatoes. Heat the cooked tubers and mold them. Put in 1 kg of small white yoghurt, 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine, 6-8 crushed garlic cloves, lemon juice, salt, and mix the chopped parsley (or coriander). And we are benefiting our health. After Provençal, 3/4 kg of cooked peeled tomatoes are fried (sliced) in oil, along with onions and finely chopped garlic. Then add 4 chopped tomatoes, a spoon of Provencal spice, season, sprinkle, sprinkle with grated cheese.