Herbal Teas

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are mostly blends of various meadow herbs and flowers, or mixtures of other medicinal plants. Also, herbal teas are only present from one plant – such as mint tea. These teas are mainly consumed because of their healing, soothing or stimulating effects, but they are often very tasty.

Chamomile tea
It has been used since ancient times for digestive problems, to calm nerves and to reduce anxiety. Our grandmothers already said that camomile tea helped sleep calmly, and the used bags were attached to irritated or inflamed eyes.

Black-eyed Flower
Used to relieve flu, colds and nasal pain. It is said to support sweating so watch ladies! It also reduces hay fever problems.

Fennel seed tea
It helps digestion and relaxes if you suffer from flatulence. In nursing women, it is said to increase the secretion of milk and also calms small children with colic and winds. Occasionally tea may cause menstruation.

Bubble tea
Best is from unspoiled leaves and mainly acts on the nerves, improves digestion and improves flu fever when flu. It calms but does not cause drowsiness.

Lime Flower Tea
A very popular soothing tea that relieves headaches and helps with falling asleep. Lip tea also reduces cold and flu temperatures.

Rosemary Tea
At the beginning of the day, this teaspoon will help you stand upright on your feet. It relieves headaches and is used for digestive problems. It was also said earlier that it strengthens memory and morality!

Dart Tea
This tea is rich in vitamin C and is used to prevent colds and infections. For a better taste, a piece of lemon or bark is added to the tea.

Teaspoon Tea
Eases pain and has stimulating effects. It is recommended by doctors for colds, flu, bronchitis, but also for ear and nasal sinuses.

Steak tea
It is called so-called clearing tea and acts as a tonic. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals, including iron. Helps with various allergies and with urticaria and rhinitis.

Rape Raspberry Tea
It is used to stutter for cervical infections if it is said by women to be pregnant, so it facilitates and shortens delivery. But they should not drink it in early pregnancy, because there is a risk of abortion.

Drinking green tea affects almost the whole organism. It affects:

digestive system

– Contains tannins that help digestion and digestion

– acts against stomach cancer

circulatory system

– Extends peripheral blood vessels

– it perfumes the organs, especially the kidneys and the brain

– has proven very well in the fight against arteriosclerosis

respiratory system

– it provides relaxation by withdrawn bronchi (eg in asthma)

– Helps in inflammation of the nasal cavities

excretory system

– Bring blood to the kidneys – Helps clean the body


– has an effect on the immune system

– prevents tooth decay

– applied externally (in the form of an extract) protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, heals wounds, stops bleeding, is used for various pills, bed sores, etc.

– finds its use in reducing diets

– Helps protect against certain types of cancer

Healing teas, from unusual raw materials

Drinking can also include teas from non-traditional ingredients that can help us improve health. The health effects of the teas below were known to ancient civilizations. Current science affirms their positive influence on our organism. Besides, these teas have a distinctive taste and aroma that is very different from so-called normal teas. We should emphasize that these teas should be drunk for a longer period of time, preferably several months, with more serious illness and 1-2 years. If there is a disorder in the family, it is good to drink these teas preventively.

Linseed tea is suitable for cough, asthma, rheumatism, arthrosis, uterine bleeding, and extremely strong menstruation. It also acts as a natural, delicate laxative. Flax seed is an amazing remedy for joint problems. It is also drunk before birth as it speeds up and facilitates childbirth. For 2-3 teaspoons of crushed seeds per cup of water, cook for 10-20 minutes. Tea is not drizzle, we drink it with bits of seeds.

Seasoned Seed Tea – Regularly adjusts menstrual problems (especially irregular and painful menstruation), improves hair quality, improves mood. For high calcium content it is suitable for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, has a beneficial effect on the production and quality of breast milk. It also helps with visual problems. Eg: Sesame seeds yellow or black lightly. For 2 teaspoons of seeds, use 1 cup of water. Boil and cook for 10-20 minutes. We can drink 2-3 cups daily. We do not leave this tea as well.

Pumpkin seed tea – It helps to eliminate water accumulated in the legs, around the ankles or in the lower abdomen. It is especially recommended for women before and after delivery, for their anti-inflammatory effects and for tissue support. The kernels from which we prepare the food we never throw away. Put them whole (unpeeled) for tea. If we do not have it, it is possible to buy already degraded seeds. For example, the seeds are high, cook for 10-15 minutes.

All seeds can also be dusted beforehand. If we do not have a mortar, the seeds can be sown on a poppy mill or in a coffee grinder.

Tea from adzuki beans – used in kidney or bladder inflammation and frequent urge to urinate … Adzuki beans are an excellent remedy for any kidney disease and are very well suited for diabetics.
For: 1 cup of beans, 4-5 cups of water, 5 cm of seaweed Kombu. We slowly cook for 50-60min. During cooking we do not mix, but occasionally add some cold water (heat shock will speed up softening and improve digestibility). We dine and drink the hottest. Do not throw beans, add water to them, gently sow, cook for 5-10 minutes. Then we taste it and we can eat it.

Tea made from roasted hail – the hops are dried, dry, dry in the pan. For: 4 tablespoons of hail, 2 l of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. We can use the soup as a soup sauce.

Roasted rice tea – suitable for fever, infants and young children … For example, sprinkle rinse dripping rice on a hot pan and then dab into golden gold. For 1 piece of rice, add 10-12 parts of water, boil, add a pinch of salt and cook for 30 minutes without a lid. We will dine and taste Tamari in the winter. Rice can be used in some dishes.

Oat infusion – used to restore gastrointestinal tract mucosa, allergies, anemia, diabetes, postpartum, disruption of intestinal peristalsis and immunity. For example, we should name the quality oats at the mill (eg coffee) or buy oatmeal. 2 tablespoons pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and leave for 3-4 hours. Then we sweeten and drink.

Thus any cereal can be used. Grain teas are suitable for all-day drinking, especially for children.

For children – raspberry and strawberry tea or apple cider tea are also very suitable . Every day we can use Bancha tea (Hojich or Kukich). These teas can be bought in healthy diets (they have a minimum of theine), so we do not buy them in the tearoom. For infants, it is appropriate to make rice from toasted rice.

Ginger tea – promotes heart and small intestine. It has strong warming effects. It is good for strengthening the stomach, cold, asthma. Accelerates blood circulation. For 1 teaspoon of cleaned ginger fresh ginger, pour 1 liter of boiling water. (it should not be cooked, otherwise it will lose most of the curative effects) In the cold we can add a few coriander grains.

Tea Mu – This is a traditional beverage from the Far East. It consists of a total of 16 herbs (mostly from their roots). It smells beautiful and has a very delicious, slightly spicy flavor. It is used to enhance immunity. This tea helps to get rid of fatigue, early colds, and strengthens weak stomach, helps with problems in gynecological organs (especially in myomas), relieves menstrual cramps, irregular menstruation, breathing problems, cough, …
For: 1 tea. lie. for 3 cups of water, boil it with boiling water (for problems with immunity, cold …) or boil for 10 minutes (in more serious conditions and gynecology).

Tea from the umeboshi – it is suitable for fatigue or summer heat … For example: 1 pcs. 1 liter of water, cook for 1/2 hour. Drinks cold and very refreshing (slightly salty). Drink with Umecta – a digestive stimulating drink, especially in intestinal bacterial infections.
For 1-2 teaspoons of umeocta, pour a cup of hot water and drink.

Shiitake mushroom tea – it is suitable for stress – acts as a gentle remedy to relieve tension in the muscles and the nervous system. It is suitable for desalting the body, removing toxic substances from the body, dissolving excess fats in the body, lowering cholesterol, cooling the body (suitable in summer or in fever). Shiitake stimulates kidney function and affects urine production.
For 1 cup of water per 1 sponge, soak for 1 hour, bring to boil and slowly cook for 15-20 minutes, add a few drops of soy sauce Shoyu. Tea is hot.

Tea from the root of the lotus – removes the mucus from the airways, difficulty in breathing, facilitates coughing, improves asthma and bronchitis. Very suitable for inflammation of the frontal and nasal sinuses. Can be bought dry. (note a fresh root, which has, of course, stronger effects and is also a favorite vegetable.) Also used are seeds cooked with rice, which have a sweet nutty taste) For example
, 1 caster of dried lotus gets soaked in 2 dcl of water and 10- 15 min boiling. It can be baked twice. Then you can eat or add to the soup. Tea is warm, preferably in the morning. We can add some grains of salt. It is also very suitable for small children, to which we add it to apple concentrate or must. In long-term use (1-2 years) it launches joint deposits and treats asthma. Here you can find more vegetables nutritional facts.

Nelumbo nuciferum – Indian Lotus
It is a dicotyledonous plant of the lily family. This muddy herb grows with leaves raised above the water surface. Provides edible seeds and raisins. According to the folk tradition, the lotus grows and blooms once a thousand years, otherwise its seeds are hidden in the mud. It is assumed that the lotus originating in India came along with Buddhism to China and from there to Japan. The main components that contain the rhizome are asparagine, nelumbin and starch. Nelumbin stimulates the movement of body fluids and mucus. Asparagine helps eliminate excess fluid from lungs and breathing tubes. It is also important when removing ammonia (ammonia) from the body that is toxic to the brain. It supports the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Lotus starch, which contains 13% of simple sugars, is a good source of energy and helps other ingredients in their work. Lotus is collected in the fall, when it contains the most active substances. You can buy healthy nutrition in dry form such as wheels or powder. It is excellent in the treatment of colds, coughs, asthma, lung and kidney problems.

1 kettle of dried lotus cook in 1/2 l of water for 5 minutes, add to the end of boiling 1 lemon wheel, 1 pol. apple concentrate and pinch of salt. Let’s cool, great for hot summer days.

Carrot and daikon tea (large white radish that can be grown in a garden or bought in vegetables) – cleanses the body from grease (because it helps break down fatty deposits inside the body).
For 2 pollens of finely grated carrots and 2 pol. finely chopped daikon, leave to stand for 1 hour, boil and boil for only 30 seconds. We dine and drink warm, 3 days in a row, then we do a month off or drink once a week. Not more often !!!

Corsican Tea – Seaweed Tea. In the Far East, this sea food is called MAKURI. Botanical name is Digenea Simplex. The kelp is particularly rich in mucus. It is used to strengthen the stomach, dissolve fat and mucus accumulated especially in the uterus to break down tumors and cysts of the uterus and ovaries. Why: Prepare the tea by spooning 1 teaspoon of algae in one cup of water for 10-20 minutes. Instead of water, Kukicha or Hojich Tea can be used for kelp cooking (the effect will be even stronger). This tea can also be used reliably when worms are attacked. In this case, it is poured with hot water and allowed to leach for about 15 minutes. Corsican tea has a very specific flavor and aroma. Its healing effects are so huge that it is worth sacrificing a few flavors.

Komba algae tea – improves blood quality, immunity, dissolves fats, brightens thinking, improves memory and supplies minerals to the body.
For example: 8 cm long strip of kelp and gently cook in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. We can cook it repeatedly and then add it to soup, for example. We can also cook it for 10-15 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius until it is crunchy. In a mortar, divide it finely and pour 1 / 2-1 teaspoonful of this powder with boiling water and drink.

A kuzu – kuzu drink is a starch from the root of a Japanese wine bush. Aids digestion, stimulates and increases vitality, relieves fatigue, relieves headaches, helps with colds and flu. For 1 teaspoon spoons, dissolve in two teaspoons of water. Add the cup of cold water and bring to a boil, boiled gently stirring until a jelly-like fluid. Smooth baby with apple concentrate. Strengthening salty drink from Kuzu This drink is used as a treatment for general weakness, colds, stomach and intestinal problems.
1 luz kuzu, 1 shl water, 1/2 plum umeboshi or 1 lž shoyu.
Mix all the ingredients well and dissolve in water. Slowly cook this mixture until it is transparent. Served warm. Kuzu is an excellent and easily digestible source of energy suitable for digestive tract operations, prolonged fasting or severe exhaustion.

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