Medical Plants

Medical Plants

Aloe healing– Aloe Vera – Contains a blend of active ingredients: aloin, emodin, resins, minerals, organic acids, carotene, vitamins, ferments and bitter glycosides. The basic pharmacological characteristic is its relatively violent action, which brings it into a group of poisonous drugs that need to be treated with care. The main ingredient of aloe is sabb it is sun-dried juice of fresh leaves, which is an excellent laxative, suitable for heavy constipation – it only acts in the presence of bile, so in hepatic, biliary, hemorrhoids, pregnancy, menstruation and gynecological disorders is not suitable. Fresh leaf juice has similar effects to sabur, it also acts antibiotically, has the ability to destroy certain bacteria, fungi and viruses, stretching blood vessels, which increases blood supply in the area where it is applied. The injured tissue penetrates her and makes her numb and relieves pain and itching. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces swelling of the skin and muscles. Overall, the body’s resistance to cancer also affects the entire interior of the body. It stops bleeding and accelerates healing, juice can be used as drops in the nose and ears at various inflammations, increases blood pressure slightly. It is used in the evening 1 tablespoon of syrup a day before meals. Chinese doctors recommend using it in other applications – otherwise its use varies worldwide, probably due to advertising. It is used in the evening 1 tablespoon of syrup a day before meals. Chinese doctors recommend using it in other applications – otherwise its use varies worldwide, probably due to advertising. It is used in the evening 1 tablespoon of syrup a day before meals. Chinese doctors recommend using it in other applications – otherwise, its use varies worldwide, probably due to advertising.

Bazalka pravá –Ocimum basilikum – It is an annual herb that is harvested up to three times a year, is highly aromatic, smells like cloves and has an earthy taste. It contains mainly silica – up to 1.5%, tannins and traces of saponin. It is mainly used as a stomach, expectorants, karminativum and as excellent spice. In the human body it increases stomach activity, relieves flatulence, promotes appetite and digestion, has a spasmolytic effect. It is a warm herb used for colds, flu and upper respiratory tract infections. It is also used as a mild cardiotonic disorder in myocardial infarction. Healers recommend it for constipation or vomiting, headaches and menstrual problems. It also improves kidney function and soothes nerves, so when sleeping, migraine, nervous condition, and so on. Take 2 teaspoons of the drug with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. This drink removes flatulence, relieves digestive problems and spastic constipation. Fresh juice is used externally as a supportive medicine for middle ear inflammations and heavily healing wounds. The drug also supports the excretion of breast milk and treats painful afta in the oral cavity. It can also be used for diseases of the urogenital system and bronchial asthma. It dampens the white discharge and promotes the activity of the liver, as well as the abdominal areas or as a gargle. Bazal is part of strengthening baths (partial or whole) – it stimulates the adrenal glands to a higher level of activity. Similar effects also exist when inhaling vapors. The drug also supports the excretion of breast milk and treats painful afta in the oral cavity. It can also be used for diseases of the urogenital system and bronchial asthma. It dampens the white discharge and promotes the activity of the liver, as well as the abdominal areas or as a gargle. Bazal is part of strengthening baths (partial or whole) – it stimulates the adrenal glands to a higher level of activity. Similar effects also exist when inhaling vapors. The drug also supports the excretion of breast milk and treats painful afta in the oral cavity. It can also be used for diseases of the urogenital system and bronchial asthma. It dampens the white discharge and promotes the activity of the liver, as well as the abdominal areas or as a gargle. Bazal is part of strengthening baths (partial or whole) – it stimulates the adrenal glands to a higher level of activity. Similar effects also exist when inhaling vapors.

Without Black –Sambucus nigra – A bloom is picked and autumn berries, but leaves and bark are also collected. Flower and fruit contain other complexes of active substances, flowers mainly silicas, glycosides, tannins and choline. Fruits mainly sugars organic acids, pectin, vitamins A, B, C and others. Flowers prepare diaforetic tea that cleanses blood, promotes infectious diseases and is an effective metabolite, so it is suitable for supportive treatment of eczema. Helps in measles and burns, speeds up the rash output, has proven itself in upper respiratory tract infections, rheumatic diseases, and watertightness. Berries act as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and mild laxans, improve digestion and promote appetite, help in coughing and are slightly intriguing. Dried fruits are sprinkled on the slurry. Young, fresh, ground leaves are used for cladding for painful joint inflammation. Tea is suitable for gastric complaints, gallbladder problems, menstrual and neuralgic pains, migraines and colds, causes sweating and is suitable for colds and coughs. In intestinal complaints, flatulence, and in a tepid condition with constipation, kidney and bladder disease. Due to the content of the routine, the flowers have a favorable effect on the tonicity and elasticity of the vessels. Fruits act primarily as an effective analgesic in neuralgias and joint and spinal pain, like leaves in the form of a dry wrap. It also has an anticancer effect on tumors accessible externally – a tincture tile slightly diluted with distilled water is used. The tincture is made from leaves and with a small addition of bark. The infusion is given 3 times a day, and the infection is more frequent. Vinegar for muscle massages and refreshment, used as a bath for colds.

Bay leaf– Laurel – Laurus nobilis – Its characteristics have played an important role since ancient times, characterized by a strong aromatic aroma. Its properties in healing are used for memory, concentration, rational thinking conditioned by activity and initiative. It empties memory, deepens thought and concentration, promotes clarity, protects health, cleanses and sets a quiet sleep by inserting several sheets under the pillow. It is also used to clean joints and body from sediments and uric acid salts. It supports digestion and appetite. In rheumatic pain the bay leaf is invaluable. The boils are smeared with bay oil. It is prepared from – 50 g of bay leaf into the bottle and 70% with alcohol – 24 hours of leavening – add 1/2 L of olive oil and in the water bath 5-6 hours.

Blue bilberry– Vaccinium myrtillus – Cranberry or black strawberry. Blueberries can be termed a miraculous plant without exaggeration because, in addition to rejuvenating and body-cleansing properties, they also contain unknown substances that treat cancer. This is proven by French scientists, who often use blueberry leaves as an ancillary and prophylactic remedy for the treatment of all kinds of cancer. The content of manganese and iron exceeds other fruits. Additionally, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and provitamin A, carotene, as well as essential oils, pectins, phenols, catechins and flavonoids, salts, iron, chromium, nickel, copper, about 5-6% jantar and milk. Blueberries are astringent, generally strengthening, normalizing effects, adjusting salt exchange, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, bile duct and blood-stopping effects. Leaves are collected in May and June. They are used extensively in diseases of the digestive tract, especially in stomach inflammations with reduced acidity, intestinal infections, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), anemia, kidney stones, rheumatism, skin diseases, liver problems and pancreas. Blueberries improve vision – sharpness of vision, lower blood sugar and treats the initial stage of diabetes, phytoncides destroys various bacteria, microbes and viruses. The infusion is also used for heartburn, diarrhea, intestinal mucosal inflammation, ulcerative stomach and duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis, anemia, cystitis, kidney stones, psoriasis and night sweating. For diabetes, 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves per cup of hot water -3 times a day. Fruit decay is used to rinse the mouth and throat for angina and cold, to strengthen vision, especially night vision. Effective is also leaf extract, which has similar effects to fetal decoction, is used externally for the treatment of hurting wounds, scarring and eczema, as well as the infusion of hemorrhoids in the enema. Dried fruits that have a disinfecting effect on chewing or decoction are also used.

Medical Plants

Potatoes and potato tubers –Solanum tuberosum – Since 1565 when they have been imported into Europe, their cultivation has spread throughout the world. One of the most important tuber products is starch – amylum solani. It is one of the main components of hydrophilic ointments (ie leachate and secretions) and backfill. It soothes skin irritation in irritable inflammatory diseases. Potato tubers contain proteins, numerous amino acids, pectins, organic acids, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C. Therefore, in our diet, they have such meaning. In medicine, they are a good remedy for severe chronic hyperactitis. Neutralizes gastric acid and thus reduces the feeling of heartburn. Good results are the use of raw potato juice that has a beneficial effect on gastritis, constipation, digestive tract ulcer, urinary stones, hemorrhoids, diabetes and scorbutus and flatulence. It is used for stuttering and flushing of the neck and mouth in the case of inflammation. Potato starch is recommended to be applied in burns of the first stage is applied to the injured place a tile soaked in fresh juice, scalp, skin ulcers and rashes grated potatoes with olive oil are attached to the painful places. On cracked hands, 2 peeled and cooked potatoes with one teaspoon of glycerin and a spoonful of oil are added, water is added until a slice is applied, which is applied for 10 minutes. on hand – then wash in warm milk, can be used as a cosmetic tile. For diabetes and ulcer disease drink potato juice 4 times a day 1/2 glass, add honey and lemon juice for 4 weeks. when scalded, skin ulcers and rashes grated potatoes with olive oil are applied to the painful spots. On cracked hands, 2 peeled and cooked potatoes with one teaspoon of glycerin and a spoonful of oil are added, water is added until a slice is applied, which is applied for 10 minutes. on hand – then wash in warm milk, can be used as a cosmetic tile. For diabetes and ulcer disease drink potato juice 4 times a day 1/2 glass, add honey and lemon juice for 4 weeks. when scalded, skin ulcers and rashes grated potatoes with olive oil are applied to the painful spots. On cracked hands, 2 peeled and cooked potatoes with one teaspoon of glycerin and a spoonful of oil are added, water is added until a slice is applied, which is applied for 10 minutes. on hand – then wash in warm milk, can be used as a cosmetic tile. For diabetes and ulcer disease drink potato juice 4 times a day 1/2 glass, add honey and lemon juice for 4 weeks.

White Birch –Betula pendula – For medicinal use is collected in May and June leaves and buds. The leaves contain essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, resins, tannins, vitamin C, minerals, carotenes and phytoncides. It is an effective diuretic that practically does not irritate the kidneys. Puppets are used to make masti.listy for tea and baths. It drains salt and uric acid out of the body, is good for urinary tract, bottom, rheumatism, some eczema, arteriosclerosis and impaired renal function, works well with water and sciatica. The bath acts against excessive sweating, mainly by the feet, it has a positive effect against lichens and eczema. He bathed his hands and feet when he found the protein in the urine. In tea it helps to cleanse blood, wash urine stones and sand when adding 1 g of edible soda at a temperature of 40 ° C. Bubble baths can be a good addition to reducing diets in preventing obesity. Approximately 40 grams of fresh leaves are boiled briefly in 10 L of water, after 20 minutes, the decoction passes into a warmly warm bath. 15-20 min. Stay in the spa, do not sit down and then practice different exercises twice a week.

Celery –Apium graveolens – All types of celery reliably affect male potency. Among other things, it contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, also BB, A and U. It also contains plant hormones, essential oils, glycosides, minerals – especially potassium. It increases the activity of the sexual glands. It strengthens the taste, functions of the stomach, regenerates the blood composition, against fevers, diuresis, cleanses. Helps with overweight diet, rheumatism, depression, inflammation of the liver, kidneys, bladder, allergic rash, and skin inflammation. It has positive effects in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Bulk celery oil has a soothing effect, and can also be used to treat skin and rheumatic diseases. An adequate amount has a rebounding effect on kidney activity, it is also recommended for nerve weakness. Favorable sugar content determines it for diabetic patients and diets. It is diuretic and therefore unsuitable for pregnant women and kidney problems. It restores blood, stimulates the adrenal glands, strengthens metabolism. Consumed raw in salads, cooked or baked – internally or as a lining. In folk healing, it is used against the floor, rheumatism, pain, arthritis, malaria, migraine, dizziness, and scurvy. Seeds, fresh tuber juice 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 min before meal or macerate 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves and root in a glass of cold water – use 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. and water. Seeds, fresh tuber juice 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 min before meal or macerate 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves and root in a glass of cold water – use 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. and water. Seeds, fresh tuber juice 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 min before meal or macerate 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves and root in a glass of cold water – use 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Onion winter –Allium cepa – Onions contain most of the essential oils, enzymes, acids, proteins, minerals, sugars, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur-containing ether oils, about 5 mg vitamin A, vitamins BBbiotin, gr. green matter. Before the onset of frosts, onions contain 15% of sugars. Helps maintain longevity health. It works against inflammation, it strengthens and is diuretic. It helps in conditions of weakening, physical and psychological fatigue mainly of the young organism, in addition to older people helps in atherosclerosis and overweight, digestive disorders and respiratory diseases. If it is often consumed, it helps to prevent old age, intestinal parasites and prostate disease. Ingredients contained in winter onions support activity of the heart, liver, gall bladder and pancreas, favorably affect the intestinal microflora, it has the effect of diuretic, supports appetite and reduces blood pressure and soothes the nerves. Throughout the year, fresh leaves with a high content of vitamin C help to remove spring avitaminosis. Affects favorably the thyroid gland. It works against colds and nematodes. It suppresses the formation of tumors and has anti-asthmatic effects, all in raw state only, it is used cooked or baked to different tiles.

Capoe Tea – Rooibos – Aspalathus linearisIt has many useful properties and positive effects on the human organism. It contains high quality tannins and a large number of trace elements and minerals – iron, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, fluoride, molybdenum and others. It contains a large number of flavonoids, organic acids, vitamin C and other substances. It is especially recommended to relieve irritability, headaches, insomnia. It relieves tension and depression, affects elevated blood pressure and affects the central nervous system in general, helps with stomach and digestive problems in nausea, vomiting, heartburn, ulcer disease, seizures and constipation. It is also suitable for children as it does not contain caffeine. Helps with allergies, hay fever, or eczema. It is also used for cladding or fighting against acne, skin pruritus and eczema. His drinking is excellent for the slimming bark and reduces the effects of free radicals, which cause aging and weakening of the immune system. It can also fill the daily consumption of calcium, manganese and fluoride needed to prevent teeth. Encourages and relaxes. Here you can also read interesting facts about fruit and vegetables.

Garlic –Allium sativum – Garlic contains glycosidically bound essential oils, hormones, vitamins A, B, E and C and other phytoncidentally active ingredients, is one of the most potent natural remedies for intestinal flora and infectious intestinal maladies. It acts on excretion of digestive juices and bile, thus improving the appetite, soothing the smooth muscles of the intestines. It affects the respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and chronic diseases, regulates bacteria in the colon, bleeds coronary arteries in the heart, deepens the work of the heart muscle, expands the blood vessels, protects against thrombosis and heart attack, reduces blood pressure. It also acts as an immunostimulator, a means to stimulate the body’s own defensive power. It is used in influenza, against intestinal parasites and bacteria, flatulence and intestinal pain, against arteriosclerosis. Young leaves have an effect on blood formation and have antibiotic effects. The form of the klyzmat is used against intestinal parasites, in combination with internal treatment. It is one of the best natural remedies for the prevention of arteriosclerosis. It is used internally, like a gargoyle but also as drops in the nose

Large Flowering Division –Verbascum densiflorumA two-year herb from which a flower without a cup is collected immediately after the leaf and leaf in the first year. The drug is primarily an effective bronchospasmolytic, expectorant and secretory agent, therefore it is used in black cough, bronchitis, cough, lung inflammation, respiratory irritation, upper respiratory tract inflammation, chills, bronchial asthma and severe rhinitis. It is suitable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, relieves pain and treats diseases of the liver and spleen. In homeopathy against migraine and ear pain. Tincture against headache, neuralgias, rheumatism and the bottom. Oil heals ulcers, swelling and relieves pain in varicose veins. Infusion in the form of tiles is used for venous ulcers, milled root to prevent and treat hemorrhoids. More details about use are in recipes.

Dobromysl obecná –Origanum vulgare – Contains mainly silica (thymol), tannins and mustard. Since ancient times, it has been used in healing, nerve strengthening, leprosy, or spasm, and to increase the production of bile and its excretion. The infusion of the drug stimulates digestion and is also used as a spasmolytic agent for gastric and intestinal diseases. It has anti-inflammatory effects, facilitates expectoration, acts as a perpetuum and is suitable for all forms of bronchitis, therefore it is used in the form of coughs, bronchitis, and especially as a choleretic in digestive disorders, gastric neuritis, anorexia, for improving intestinal peristalsis. It is suitable for and against neuralgia, it generally calms down, works antidepressant, improves mood and deepens sleep. It also acts antiseptically and diuretically, promotes hepatic activity, reduces rheumatic pain, and has a mild bruising effect. In the form of ointment it is used for skin infections and rhinitis, it calms in baths, it is also used as a gargle for gum inflammation. It also acts as a regulator of menstruation and can be used in the treatment of prostate adenoma. However, it is worth recalling that renal irritation may be induced by unbalanced dosing.

Oak summer– Quercus robur – Bark, young twigs, but also acorns and buds are used for healing purposes. All of this includes tannins, Gallow, catechins, resins, dyes and starch. Acorns other than tannins also include starch, sugars, proteins and oil. By roasting the content of tannins decreases, so the fruits can be consumed. All substances act aggressively and anti-inflammatory, antibacterially and anti-rheumatically. It is used internally to treat bleeding of all kinds, including diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Furthermore, to cleanse the body from poison toxins and after antibiotics, in gastric and intestinal catarrh and possibly strong menstruation. As a kangaroo, it is used for sore throats, inflammation of the larynx of the lining, aches, paradentoses and disinfection of the oral cavity. Except for tiles and baths for burns, bleeding and pricking wounds, hemorrhoids, fungal leg and genital tract infections, all of this in the form of a decoction with a long-lasting boil of the drug. On painful joints, we add mash of fresh leaves according to tolerance up to night. Dried leaves can also be used. A particularly effective gargle is obtained by cooking a handful of ripe acorns for 20 minutes in half a liter of water. Leave to stand and drain and dilute the liquid halfway through the water.

Fennel –Foeniculum vulgareThe drug contains silica with anethole, feniculin, phenchon, oil, sugar, protein and slime. Its essential oils have anticonvulsant effects on the intestines, improving their activity. It is used to strengthen the stomach, helps digestion, contributes to excretion and milk production in nursing mothers, releases smooth muscle spasms, is used in coughs, releases mucous membranes in upper respiratory tract infections, acts disinfectant and anti-inflammatory. It is used to improve and strengthen the eyes and to flush them with inflammation 3-4 times a day. The essential oil itself was used against various parasites. Syrup helps with cough, shortness of breath and wheezing. Seeds and root clean the liver, gallbladder, spleen and blood. Honey with honey is used for cough, relieves gases and can be used externally for rheumatic swelling. Older people are advised to take half a teaspoon of crushed seeds in the morning and evening with a glass of white wine.

Chamomile Right –Chamaemelum nobile – The flower is collected in dry weather shortly after the flowering of flowers. The drug contains silica, glycosides, various organic acids, tannins, mustards and other substances. The effect is conditional on the content of the intensely blue component of the chemazulen silica. It has spasmolytic effects in smooth muscle spasms, gastric and intestinal cramps, painful menstruation, and mucosal irritations. It works well in diarrhea and benefits from urinary tract infections. It is used for colds, digestive problems of rheumatism, stomach ulcers and has anti-inflammatory effects. At a higher concentration, vomiting – when poisoned – can not be long. Externally used for tiles and baths. It is suitable as a gargle because it has healing effects, accelerating wound healing in case of skin damage. The bathroom revives the skin when sunburned or windy,

Common Tallow –Crataegus laevigata Poir – Leaves, flowers and fruits for tea and tincture are used. We collect the blossom and the leaf just before the May and June expansions. The active ingredients of the drug are a set of essential acids, glycoside and red dye, sugars, tannins, vitamin B and organic acids. It is a mild diuretic and is therefore the most suitable herb for treating cardiovascular diseases. Supports coronary artery blood flow and coronary blood flow to the heart’s performance and oxygen supply. Helps angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances, old heart syndrome with simultaneous arteriosclerosis, blood circulation, high blood pressure, and initial stages of degenerative changes in the heart muscle, healing takes several weeks. The drug is also suitable for rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and for the treatment of climatic conditions. Foreign healers recommend hawthorn flower to treat dizziness, ringing in the ears, irritability and other symptoms accompanying the development of sclerotic changes in the blood vessels, and then to the antidiarrheal mixtures. In the form of tincture during swollen movements, which is caused by a weakening heart. It is added to anti-sclerotic teas and acts as an aphrodisiac.

White mustard –Sinapis alba.- All kinds of mustard in moderate doses cause blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract and thus improve digestion and metabolism. Because it is somewhat irritating, it is not suitable for some diseases of the stomach. The mustard seed itself is recommended for lack of appetite, poor bowel function, lazy stomach activity and susceptibility to constipation. It is used externally for rheumatism, neuritis, colds, etc. using tincture, plaster or crushed seeds. Its external use is known for rheumatic problems such as mash and water mash, fresh leaves contain vitamin C and can be used in salads. Do not use internally for kidney and lung tuberculosis.

Hop Rotary –Humulus lupulus – The subject of collection is a female cone with characteristic aroma containing lupulin. The active ingredient is specific magnesium, silica, resins and other substances. Hops are used for nerve exhaustion, insomnia, sexual irritability, and for nerve hearts. It reduces the reflexive irritation while stimulating the digestive tract activity. It is a diuretic, painful, and anticonvulsant remedy. It is mainly drinkable in the evening when it helps against insomnia, it encourages appetite, moderate prostate problems and trampolines in the transition. It has mild antibiotic and tuberculostatic effects. It is externally used in the form of tiles for nerve inflammation, skin rashes and rheumatism for poorly healing wounds and strengthening baths. In cosmetics, the infusion of hop cones has a beneficial effect on the skin, it is also added to various tea blends.

Strawberry– Fragaria vesca – Strawberries are not only a snack but also a cure. Forest strawberries regulate the exchange of salts in the body and have a high vitamin C content, claiming it can be cured with lots of strawberry consumption. Strawberries are suitable for heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, gastric ulceration and foot diseases, cleanse the blood and intestines and recommend weekly consumption of rheumatic diseases and liver diseases. It is recommended to eat them mixed with honey. The infusion of strawberry leaves is used in diarrhea inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines as anti-skorbut and vitamin preparations, further to renal sand and stones, anemia, diarrhea and nervousness, promote kidney activity. Also for rinsing and bathing, hemorrhoids, oral cavity disinfection during periodontitis. In the form of tiles for wet and bleeding injuries. Fresh crushed leaves attach to old wounds, prone wounds, eczema and wounded skin. Crushed fruits to treat caries and tartar. Protects the liver and promotes bile secretion, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and has diuretic effects, slightly decreases the temperature. Tea is suitable for convalescents or as a substitute for daily-use tea. Fresh strawberries have been found to contain a plant antibiotic, a substance similar to acylpyrine and methylsalicylic acid. This explains its effects in rheumatism and fever states. Tea is suitable for convalescents or as a substitute for daily-use tea. Fresh strawberries have been found to contain a plant antibiotic, a substance similar to acylpyrine and methylsalicylic acid. This explains its effects in rheumatism and fever states. Tea is suitable for convalescents or as a substitute for daily-use tea. Fresh strawberries have been found to contain a plant antibiotic, a substance similar to acylpyrine and methylsalicylic acid. This explains its effects in rheumatism and fever states.

Carrot lanceolate –Plantago lanceolata – Old Greek and Latin herbariums recommend it for a wide range of uses. It contains phytoncides, mucilages, minerals and other ingredients that help with lung disease, removes mucus, treats urinary bladder disease and stomach ulcers, and heals healing various injuries. It belongs to excellent blood cleansing drugs, dampens strong menstruation and white discharge. It relieves toothache, eye and depression, drinking a decoction creates a quiet sleep. It acts against inflammation in respiratory and bronchial diseases and digestive disorders. Syrup can cure baby’s cough and, together with tea, cleanses the liver of the stomach and intestines. It reduces blood sugar and promotes the activity of the large intestine. It acts as an effective natural laxative to help with colds. Sheeting from sheets or tea tiles is effective for abrasions, tears, swelling, blisters, skin defects and injuries.Tea juice and syrup are used, which is a precursor to upper respiratory tract catarrh, especially for children.

Cumin spicy– Carum carvi – Carum carvi – Seed is the second year after sowing. The flavor is supplied with essential oils (carvone, terpene and limonem), oils, flavonoids, sugars and other ingredients. Silica is contained in fruits but also in leaves. Practical use: It is used to stimulate the activity of the intestinal stomach, removes anorexia and excessive gasity, and suppresses spasms of the smooth stomach and intestinal muscles. It helps to eliminate digestive enzymes, reduces fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines and promotes the secretion of bile. Significant is its bacteriostatic effect and its action against internal parasites, it is slightly diuretic. It promotes coughing, it also increases milk production and thus improves the digestion of the baby. Recommended for children, sick people, convalescents and people with poor digestion who suffer from flatulence and stomach cramps. Served in the form of a liqueur or broth, also crushed in a quantity of 3 grams per day. Additionally, it is added to blood-induced lubrication for rheumatic and sciatic pains. It carries the scabbard, bug and lice, and is also used against fungal diseases and mycoses. Cumin stimulates passion, improves memory, and acts against anemia. Tea oil and tincture are used.

Nettle Dove –Urtica dioica – Blooms from June to September, and it is at this time that leaves and leaves are cured for healing purposes. Follicular medicine is highly valued for its curative properties and vitamins – provitamin A (beta – carotene), vitamin C, silicic acid, tannins, acetylcholine, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese). It’s our best blood-purifying plant. The substances involved have the effect of harmonizing metabolism, improving hematopoiesis, including lowering blood sugar levels and the separation of fumes. Through its distinctive diuretic action, nettle has become an integral part of cleansing teas, helping with swelling. It removes the susceptibility to colds and has anti-rheumatic, bottom and internal eczema treatment. Nettle blossom helps to increase the number of sperm in men and their viability, and in women favorably affects ovarian function. It acts anti-asthmatically and moderately stimulates the work of the cardiac muscle, vessels and intestines, reinforces the body by supporting the activity of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas, preventing urinary tract inflammation and alleviating skin problems. Hoof is part of breast, urological, stomach and anti-rheumatic teas. Helps hair growth, preferably in the form of tincture. Caution restricts milk production of nursing mothers.

Kostival lékařský –Symphytum officinale – He was always appreciated for his healing effects. “He cleansed the bones, cleansed his breasts and lungs, and healed all the injuries,” ancient healers claimed. Kostival blooms from May to July, the root is collected mainly in the spring, before the beginning of vegetation or in autumn. Leaves and roots contain a few known alkaloids, allaitoin, choline, silica, tannins and other active substances. Its use is wide – it affects blood circulation and has interesting effects, stops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves pain, heals burns and damaged skin from excessive sunburn, can be used in stomach ulcers. Accelerates wound healing and recovery of damaged tissue, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects. It is used externally for wounds, fractures, leg ulcers, inflammation of the muscles, veins and tendons. For pain, rheumatic complaints and hemorrhoids, has bloodthirsty effects. It is used as a tea, ointment and as an alcoholic tincture for lubrication and tiling.

Horseradish– Armoracia rusticana – is a perennial plant with a long and thick pulpy root. The root has a white marmalade and a scorching taste and smell. The active substance is magnesium alpha containing allylisothiocyanate, glycoside sinigrin, vitamin C, mirosine enzyme and phytoncides with antibacterial action, calcium, sodium and magnesium. It is used not only in cooking, but also in healing, where it has proven itself as a stimulant. It stimulates the activity of the glands with internal secretion, the digestive tract, including the pancreas and the liver, kidneys and urinary tracts. Gastritis with reduced acid formation, kidney stones, malaria, anemia, scurvy, menstrual cycle disorders. It promotes sweating, increases urine production, acts antibacterially, promotes blood circulation, helps in the rheumatism and pulmonary infections, bronchitis, inflammation of the liver, neuralgia and headaches. It significantly affects anorexia and poor digestion. Recent effects have been shown to have similar effects to that of women, ie anti-cancer effects. It is also used as horseradish vinegar for massage of painful places, horseradish juice and horseradish on painful places – closer to folk recipes.

Lapacho-red lapacho –Tabebula impetiginosa – It is not a universal remedy for various ailments, but it can not question its preventive and actual healing effect in case of a disease. Lapacho removes various impurities from the body, such as heavy metals, and strengthens the immune system. Stimulates metabolism and strengthens the heart and blood circulation, improves blood circulation and influences the treatment of leukemia, removes anemia. Normalizes the action of internal organs such as liver, kidney or spleen. It promotes digestion and regulates the disharmonics of body replacement chemotherapy and psychopharmaceuticals. Prevents formation of swelling and removes deposits in the blood stream. It normalizes carbohydrate replacement in the body and thus is suitable for the treatment of diabetes, it generally calms, increases nerve resistance and normalizes the activity of sexual organs. It treats rashes and hot spots, inflammations, eczema, mold and venous ulcers. It is diuretic, it affects the activity of sweat glands and induces healthy sleep. It is used: 2 teaspoons of drugs per 1 L of water, bring to boil, 5 minutes to boil, 15 minutes to lean, to drink after sipping during the day. For cancer, increase the dose to 3-4 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.

Libeček lékařský –Levisticum officinale – This pleasant and useful plant has a diuretic and sedative effect, promotes digestion, reduces muscle tension and spasms, acts as expectorants and has antimicrobial effects. In particular, its ability to excrete salts is used, which is important for the prevention of rheumatic diseases, urolithiasis and days. It is given in bloating and coughs, bronchial infections, painful or omitted menstruation, drowsiness and infections in the oral cavity, rheumatic and gingival pains. The drug is also used for urine protein and kidney pelvis inflammation. For medical purposes, a root is used which contains volatile essential oils such as phthalides, coumarins, bergapten, psoralen, umbeliferon, betasitosterol, lecithin and other necessary substances.

Tilia cordata –leaved – Tilia platyphyllos scopoli – The linden benefit to humans from ancient times has been preserved very little, perhaps because it has become a symbol of Slavs. Nevertheless, it is used in healing primarily with the use of the mucus and anti-inflammatory effect of lime blossom. For external use for washing and tiling, stuttering and mouthwashing, it is recommended to breathe, it has its place in cosmetics for hair growth. Lip tea also helps with mental exhaustion – calms down. Wine and liqueur can be prepared from the flowers while maintaining their curative effects.

Marjoram –Majorana hortensis – The leaves are used not only for cooking but also for treatment, harvested up to 3 times per year. The flower in front of the flower contains most of the essential oils, tannins and mustard. Accelerates digestion by increasing secretion of gastric juices, soothes digestive tract, promotes bile formation. It works against neurosis, flatulence, intestinal colic and cold and cough. It is suitable for baths and ointments for rinsing nose. It is also used in the cosmetic industry for aromatherapy and the like.

Maliník –Rubus idaeus – Contains about 10% sugar, iron, copper, sodium, fiber, pectins, organic acids, vitamins C, E, B1, B12, P, carotene, folic acid, catechins and flavonoids. In the healing are used fruits and leaves collected at the time of flowering – in June, mainly in anemia and diseases of the digestive tract, in atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases and high blood pressure. They contain phytoncides that destroy gold streptococci, yeast and mold spores. Fruits are recommended against sclerosis, chronic rheumatism, eczema, diabetes and for sobriety. From leaf leakage in acute upper respiratory and rose diseases. Fresh leaves act healingly on wounds and warts, woody parts are used in acute, chronic and infectious diseases. Deodorant is against the colds and cervical diseases to stutter. The fruits are slightly diuretic and bloody. A water-diluted malon syrup is suitable for feverish illnesses. 2 teaspoons of the chopped bake for 10 minutes. Allow 1/4 L of water to stand for 15 minutes and pass over. Drink 2 cups a day for rheumatism, fever, liver and kidney failure.

Mint pepper –Mint lemon – Mentha piperita – (balm). They are unpretentious plants that can be grown in a pot. Blooms from July to September, leaves and clumps are gathered shortly before flowering in good weather. The tree is cut about 10 cm above the ground, the leaves are lengthened and immediately dried, they contain essential oil with menthol and other ingredients, tannins and mustard. Medieval herbariums indicate that it strengthens the stomach, appetes and is suitable for weakness. Regular use gives skin a healthy color. It also removes headaches, warms up the body, relieves cold, and tea honey-drenched in the ears. It is used as an antiseptic agent in the cold, as well as a soothing remedy for neuralgic pain, Melisa opens brain seals, cleans blood vessels, soothes in anxiety and fear. Mint reduces spasms of the digestive tract especially, treats colic liver, kidneys and stomachs, wakes nausea and seasickness. It is a common remedy against rhinitis and respiratory diseases and gas, encourages excretion of digestive juices and secretion of bile, affects the activity of the pancreas. It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, the menthol contained in the blood supply to the bloodstream, suppresses and reduces the sensation of the nerve endings. She was even recommended as an eroticist. Mint cleansing aids in gum inflammation, toothache, and acts against the smell of mouth. She was even recommended as an eroticist. Mint cleansing aids in gum inflammation, toothache, and acts against the smell of mouth. She was even recommended as an eroticist. Mint cleansing aids in gum inflammation, toothache, and acts against the smell of mouth.

Common Blue –Thymus serpyllum – A tender, fragrant and modest flower contains silicone (with thymol cymol), tannins, bacteria and fungi (Fytoncida) and other components. Due to its content of substances, thymol and carvacrol, it has antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anticonvulsant effects. They are used in inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity to clutter and rinse, to skin tones of skin, non-healing ulcers and sores, to strengthening baths and massages in rheumatism by oil lubrication. Infusion is used for poor digestion, strengthens stomach and nerves, coughs, insomnia, headaches, nervous weakness, diarrhea, flatulence and anorexia, helps with the treatment of respiratory diseases and digestive tract diseases at all. It is also used for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. It is recommended to use both internally and externally for bruises, wounding wounds, and the like. Helps in the treatment of dizziness diminishes gastric and pulmonary bleeding, reduces the permeability of the vascular walls. They are also used to treat various oils and tinctures.

Maté – Paraguay Holly –Ilex paraguiensis – The collection is primarily a leaf, but also small twigs. It is the most popular drink in South America. The main active ingredient is caffeine, theophylline, tannins, certain vitamins and minerals, flavonoid substances and other undefined alkaloids. Just because of its high caffeine content in combination with other substances it has a gradual and even stimulating effect. Like tea, caffeine contained in matte has a positive effect on brain activity, and the heart is not burdened. Besides caffeine, it contains more than 20 amino acids, vitamins B1, B2 and C. Minerals like magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron and phosphorus are also present. It has a strong stimulation and healing effect, where it is necessary to slightly stimulate the debilitating activity of the organism. It also acts as a diarrhea, promotes digestion and helps to break down the fat layers in the body and thereby reduce body weight. It is an excellent tonic and an adaptogen, which is beneficial in exhaustion and after-treatment of more severe diseases.

Meduňka –Melissa officinalis – Collect a leaf or a cloth. The drug strengthens the central nervous system and, according to some sources, it acts directly on the brain. It performs sedative and spasmolytic, such as gastrosedativum and cardiosedativum in vegetatively conditioned dystonia. It is a popular herb in phytotherapy, aromatherapy and bathing. She is pleasing at the beginning. The leaves contain silica (citral and other ingredients), tannins, mustard and flavonoids. Its main effects are sedative, who drinks beehive, has a quiet sleep and pleasant dreams. It has similar effects to peppermint. The leaves are not cooked because they lose their taste and smell. It reduces the excretion of adrenaline from the kidneys, it can calm the body, relieve stress and strengthen. It also helps with various pains in the abdomen and in the small pelvis, bloating, diarrheal infections, menstrual pains and climacteric. It is suitable for the whole population, including infants like tea, bath essences, massage and aromalamp. It is suitable for nerve congestion, soothes, relieves nervousness, treats trembling and heart pounding. It reduces temperature, induces sweating, releases convulsions, stimulates digestion, loss of appetite and stomach problems, removes flatulence and flatulence, increases bile formation. It also helps in painful menstruation and high blood pressure, headaches and insomnia, and against various viruses. It is externally used in the form of tattoos for rheumatic swelling, bruising and bruising, in nursing mothers, in the risk of hardening of milk in the breasts. releases convulsions, stimulates digestion, loss of appetite and stomach problems, removes flatulence and flatulence, increases bile formation. It also helps in painful menstruation and high blood pressure, headaches and insomnia, and against various viruses. It is externally used in the form of tattoos for rheumatic swelling, bruising and bruising, in nursing mothers, in the risk of hardening of milk in the breasts. releases convulsions, stimulates digestion, loss of appetite and stomach problems, removes flatulence and flatulence, increases bile formation. It also helps in painful menstruation and high blood pressure, headaches and insomnia, and against various viruses. It is externally used in the form of tattoos for rheumatic swelling, bruising and bruising, in nursing mothers, in the risk of hardening of milk in the breasts.

Garden Moon –Calendula officinalis – Droga is a flower, smells weak, taste is salty, bitter and bitter. In folk healing, mainly lingual lingual flowers are used. It is very suitable for its wide use for internal and external treatment. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and gall bladder, treats infections, treats asthma, coughs, palpitations, regulates menstruation, relieves inflammation of the digestive tract, releases convulsions that sometimes accompany colic. It slightly reduces blood pressure, and affects glands with internal secretion. It acts anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. It can be used after surgical procedures, stomach operations, intestines, and the like. In the past, the meslin ointment from the flower and leaf juice was desired. It helps in frostbite, varicose veins, swollen glands and various skin diseases. Infusion is given during bowel problems and cleansing of blood and lymphs, ordinates as spasmolytic and choleretic, acts sedative and antibiotic. Infusion increases bile secretion due to insufficient gallbladder function, jaundice and hepatic insufficiency. Its anti-inflammatory and healing effect is used in wound dressings of all kinds, inflammations of the skin, ears, but also of conjunctivae, in ointments of fresh flowers to treat poorly healing and purulent wounds. The most common form of use is marigold tincture. It is used in cosmetics and softens the skin. It is used as a kangaroo in oral cavities, varicose veins, etc. It is used in dentistry to stop bleeding after tooth extraction. jaundice and liver insufficiency. Its anti-inflammatory and healing effect is used in wound dressings of all kinds, inflammations of the skin, ears, but also of conjunctivae, in ointments of fresh flowers to treat poorly healing and purulent wounds. The most common form of use is marigold tincture. It is used in cosmetics and softens the skin. It is used as a kangaroo in oral cavities, varicose veins, etc. It is used in dentistry to stop bleeding after tooth extraction. jaundice and liver insufficiency. Its anti-inflammatory and healing effect is used in wound dressings of all kinds, inflammations of the skin, ears, but also of conjunctivae, in ointments of fresh flowers to treat poorly healing and purulent wounds. The most common form of use is marigold tincture. It is used in cosmetics and softens the skin. It is used as a kangaroo in oral cavities, varicose veins, etc. It is used in dentistry to stop bleeding after tooth extraction.

Carrot –Daucus carota – The root is harvested, fruits are harvested before maturation, regulates, mineralizes, strengthens, purifies and regenerates. It can be used in the form of juice, dry matter, slurry and seeds. In folk healing, carrots are used in convalescence, in states of exhaustion and malnutrition. Pure juice helps in asthma, bronchitis, chills, avitaminosis, anemia and general exhaustion. It prevents the formation of kidney stones, increases production of urine and acts against bloating and colic. It also works for heart disease and hypertension. Good results are for chronic diseases and inflammation of the intestines, flatulence, constipation and hemorrhoids. The carotenes contained in the carrot protect the bronchi from cancer. Vitamin A and beta carotene increase the defenses against infections, facilitating wound healing and inflammation of the skin. Carrot juice cleanses blood and encourages growth in children, has a beneficial effect on vision impairment, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular disease. It cleanses the stomach and intestines, helps with sore throat, cough, throat, TB insomnia and cancer. It has a beneficial effect on the lungs and the liver, it promotes milk production. Infusion is used for lower urinary tract inflammation and water retention in the body for metabolic disorders. In tiles, it is used for ulcers, burns, lice, frostbite, afters and cracked skin, but also against wrinkles.

Blackberry Blackberry –Rubus fructicosus – The drug has a tingling taste and contains mainly tannin, flavon, traces of essential oils and organic matter, young leaves are collected during the summer months when they are of the highest quality. Root is an effective remedy for urinary tract and kidney disease, removing the organism from the stones. It promotes urinary excretion, cleanses blood, helps in inflammation of the oral cavity and nasopharynx and in both acute and chronic diarrhea. It is used for gastric complaints and cough, relieves intestinal catarrh, coughing blood, stomach bleeding, increased irritability, insomnia and colitis. The juice concentrate reduces the incidence of cancer. It is also used for bathing in skin nipples and badly healing wounds and stuttering. The fruits from which syrup and juice is prepared contain organic acids, anthocyanin, slime, vitamins C and B, magnesium and calcium salts,

Ostropestřec mariánský –Silybum marianum – Seeds are mainly used in healing, as is a leaf that is collected in May and June in the afternoon. The root is also rarely used, kicked in the spring months. The drug is administered as a powder or in a liquid. It is an excellent remedy for all liver and gallbladder diseases including liver damage by X-rays. Not only treat hepatitis, but also treat hepatic liver damage. It can effectively help with menstrual problems, inflammation of the lungs, especially with pleural inflammation. It relieves depression but primarily affects liver function, prevents liver cirrhosis, gallstones and is suitable for the healing of all types of jaundice. It supports the production of breast milk, dampens the effects of free radicals and thus protects against cancer. It also has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, psoriasis treatment and hepatic therapy. It is advisable to combine the Marshmallow with dandelion, chicory, beetroot, marigold, and raspberry – they are also herbaceous herbs. In convalescence after infectious jaundice, infusions of the oysteropterace are combined with the swallowing eagle that enhances it.

Oats set– Avena sativa – Cats, oatmeal and starch are the subject of treatment. Peeled oats are not only a nutritional agent, but also mucilaginosum. It has a general strengthening, toning, diuretic, fever reducing and windbreaking effects. Soups for convalescents after severe diseases, diarrhea and anorexia, etc. It is a thrill in mental illness, nervous weakness, and exhaustion. The infusion reduces irritability and regulates thyroid activity. It is also used in depression, melancholy, and in diseases related to nervous system disorder – for multiple sclerosis or shingles. For slime content, it is used to protect the mucous membranes of digestive tract diseases, particularly the colon and stomach. Deodorant is given as a supportive agent for pancreatic inflammation, slightly reduces blood pressure and lowers blood sugar in diabetics – oatmeal can also be used. The straw baths have proven to be rheumatism, bottom, kidney diseases, urolithiasis, liver disease, muscle fatigue, nervous and body weakness, poor blood circulation, sciatica, but also with different eczema and diffusions and other skin problems, the tiles help to release stones. We can prepare a soothing bath from oat flakes or oatmeal straw. Sitting baths are recommended for small pelvis problems, abdominal cilia, bladder disease, and unwanted night sweats. Partial baths have a healing and calming effect. but also with different eczema and different and other skin problems, the tiles help to release the stones. We can prepare a soothing bath from oat flakes or oatmeal straw. Sitting baths are recommended for small pelvis problems, abdominal cilia, bladder disease, and unwanted night sweats. Partial baths have a healing and calming effect. but also with different eczema and different and other skin problems, the tiles help to release the stones. We can prepare a soothing bath from oat flakes or oatmeal straw. Sitting baths are recommended for small pelvis problems, abdominal cilia, bladder disease, and unwanted night sweats. Partial baths have a healing and calming effect.

Garden parsley– Petroselinum crispum – The root, fetus, and apiol-containing root is the subject of the collection and the fresh one has a higher content of vitamin C. After drying, the net must have a dark green color. Root and fetus helps in anemia and weakness, acts as a diuretic, promotes digestion, removes anorexia, improves skin, strengthens the walls of the bloodstream, encourages menstruation, and indirectly helps with kidney disease that irritates somewhat and bladder. The infusion of the fruit has a stronger effect than the root. Both nose and root, helps with urinary stones, rheumatism, bottom, intestinal parasites of neuroses, prostate inflammation and menstrual problems. The infusion of natrium can not be overdosed, it mainly works against fatigue, anemia, regulates blood circulation and blood pressure, helps with eye disease and infectious diseases. It regulates the activity of the stomach, acts against the bad mood and darkness, it is also used as an aphrodisiac. Pregnant women and people with kidney inflammation do not use more.

Wormwood wormwood – Wormwood –Artemisia absinthium – This bitter spice and medicine have been used by humans for several millennia. It has a strongly spicy flavor and a very bitter taste. Contains silica, bitter and phytonutrients (bacteria killing substances)It is given in case of loss of appetite, stomach, intestinal and liver problems, in disorders of secretion and formation of bile, in delayed or omitted menstruation. It promotes the formation of gastric juices and prevents flatulence. Supports the activity of glands, especially hormone. Infusion used externally in the form of tiles or baths for gynecological problems, cross pain, wounds, and parasite attacks such as scabies. It must not be used for long periods, in stomach ulcers, during pregnancy, or overdose. It is used internally as a liquid or tincture, externally.

Bladder Medical –Pulmonaria officinalis – In May, a flowering flower is collected by cutting. It has an extremely high content of silicic acid, mucous substances, saponin, tannins, vitamin C and minerals, especially calcium salts. Generally, it serves to protect, purify and strengthen the health, courage and encouragement of the mind. It is used in upper respiratory tract infections, swollen tonsils, in severe cough and tuberculosis, is diuretic, increases blood clotting and is characterized by an astringent and softening effect. Also used is pressed juice with honey on the airways. Dual-dose dentifrice has been proven to wash rotting wounds and hemorrhoids. One or two tablespoons cut into half a liter of water, shortly boil, sweeten with honey and sip during the day. Tea relieves cough, bronchitis, menstrual problems. Except for tiling and washing.

Medical footage –Tussilago farfara – Flowers and leaves are collected for medicinal purposes, which are whitish from the bottom with tannins, essential oils, malt, inulin, etc. It has softening, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, encouraging expectoration. Therefore, it is used for colds, coughs, complaints, lung disease and bronchial asthma. It is used in both acute and chronic airway inflammation, especially in the night cough, releases mucus in coughs, flu and hoarseness, decreases temperature. Removes stomach acidosis, peptic ulcer, and stomach inflammation. It can be used as a supportive treatment for rheumatism, blood hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Fresh leaves are used externally for tattoos in rheumatism, joints and joint injuries, swelling, inflammation of the veins, ulcers, badly healing wounds and eczema. He can cure the wound after a rusty nail. Atlas Web Blog offers you to always stay updated about all facts about fruits.

Proskurník lékařský –Althaea officinalis – Also called hibiscus, mallow rose or Roman mallow. Hibiscus root contains up to 35% of mucous substances, 37% starch, 10% sugar and other substances including vitamins. Leaves and flowers contain essential oils, oily oils, minerals, vitamin C and carotene. Slimy substances are two times less than in the roots. Healthy leaves are ruptured from May to July and are quickly dried. In October or November, roots are carefully ground, cut into pieces and dried at a temperature of up to 40 ° C. The drug contains slime, starch, pectin, sucrose, asparagine, oil, minerals, silica and tannins. It is an integral part of breast teas and syrups relieving breathing illnesses. It is used in skin cleansers or a component in herbal masks. Macerate in the case of stomach ulcers and gastric ulcer, protects the damaged and irritated mucosa. It is used in the treatment of respiratory tract, stomach and rinse, kidney and urinary tract infections. Drugs are helpful in treating diarrhea and inflammation of the digestive tract. Children’s cough syrup is popular with children. Octave macerate is used to rinse and relieve gum pain. Warm tiles, barley grains, swelling, and inflammatory skin diseases. Hot infusion to stutter 3 teaspoons of 2 glasses of water. We can drink honey moistened by weakening of the organism, digestive tract, intestines and bladder problems. Hot infusion to stutter 3 teaspoons of 2 glasses of water. We can drink honey moistened by weakening of the organism, digestive tract, intestines and bladder problems. Hot infusion to stutter 3 teaspoons of 2 glasses of water. We can drink honey moistened by weakening of the organism, digestive tract, intestines and bladder problems.

Horsetail Horsetail –Eguisetum arvense – It is a widespread weed plant of fields, pastures and forests, a part used for healing purposes is a collection collected from June to October, ie its reactive stem. Containing silicic acid, flavon glycosides, saponins, organic acids, mineral salts and other substances. It acts as a diuretic, haemostatic and disinfectant. Horsetail use is extremely extensive for bathing or use. It has excellent healing properties and has a beneficial effect on kidney function, blood circulation, elasticity and strength of vascular walls, promotes the production of white blood cells in their deficiency (leukopenia) and red blood cells in anemia. It works well as an antisklerotic, inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis and also pulmonary and skin TB, regenerates affected tissues, relieves inflammation and is also suitable for the prevention of urinary tract infections, urinary tract inflammation and metabolism. With external and internal administration, it stops bleeding, suited to stomach problems of all kinds, prevents absorption of fat into the vascular walls, has anti-rheumatic effects, helps in tonsillitis and in the oral cavity – like a gargle. For rinses in gynecological and nasal bleeding, it stops bleeding. Extremely non-healing spots, scab, psoriasis, nausea of nail beds, venous ulcers, pits, and the like. Lumbar spine, renal and gallbladder colic in the form of baths. Sitting bath for hemorrhoids and leg ulcers, leg fatigue and varicose veins. Extremely non-healing spots, scab, psoriasis, nausea of nail beds, venous ulcers, pits, and the like. Lumbar spine, renal and gallbladder colic in the form of baths. Sitting bath for hemorrhoids and leg ulcers, leg fatigue and varicose veins. Extremely non-healing spots, scab, psoriasis, nausea of nail beds, venous ulcers, pits, and the like. Lumbar spine, renal and gallbladder colic in the form of baths. Sitting bath for hemorrhoids and leg ulcers, leg fatigue and varicose veins.

Edible tomatoes –Solanum lycopersicum – Has strong antibacterial and vitamin effects. Collecting ripe fruits that are richer, potent and antitoxic. They are an excellent remedy for slimming peels, and an appropriate remedy for constipation, kidney and heart disease, digestive disorders, avitaminosis and metabolism. It acts antisklerotically and in combination with buckwheat treats varicose veins, hemorrhoids and improves the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, acts antibiotically, improves digestion, activity of the stomach and intestines, improves hematopoiesis and has an effect on hemoglobin formation. They are a good diet for diabetics. It acts as an independent protective factor in prostate cancer and protects against stomach and lung cancer. The best fresh juice is about 3.5 dcl / day. The skin can be used in refreshing baths and insect repellents. Tomatoes are widely used in cosmetics as cladding for tired and swollen skin. Worsening of dna and rheumatic diseases of all kinds. To wounding wounds, rashes, etc., with a sliced fruit.

Sea buckthorn –Hippophae rhamnoides – The original Siberian crop is grown in our country. Its juicy oval plums are a significant reservoir of vitamin C, B., B, B, …, E, F, A and P, therefore they are considered a vitamin bomb and is comparable to blackcurrant. Especially high in carotene content and many other minerals. It has beneficial effects in pulmonary, cervical and hepatic diseases, stimulates digestion, regulates blood circulation, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, has a positive effect on the heart muscle. Juice contains oil that has significant regenerative, anticancer and anti-skeletal effects, has beneficial effects on ulcerative diseases, eye diseases, digestive and intestinal disorders, eczema, skin damage by irradiation or burning has the ability to reduce pain and heal wounds. Consuming fruit juice strengthens the immune system,

Rosemary medical Rosmarinus officinalis – The subject of collection is leaves for flowering nations that have a pleasant camphor scent and taste. Contains silica, tannins, ytoncides, cineol, borneol and gauze essential oils that have a stimulating effect, as well as rosmarinic acid. It acts as a spasmolytic, diuretic, cholagognum and analeptic. Drug is a leaf that acts antiseptically and analgesically. Stimulates the adrenal cortex, relieves the convulsions, encourages the mind, helps to concentrate and improves memory, is also used against bloating, loss of appetite, fatigue, nerve depletion improves mainly in older people. It also has mild bile duct and diuretic properties. Gently increases blood pressure, strengthens blood circulation, accelerates pulse and speeds blood circulation. In rheumatic and neuralgic pains, ointment is poured into damaged areas or tincture, wine is used in infertility. It limits the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, tea, tincture, wine ointment, aromatic oil and alpine extract are used. CAUTION – at high doses, the kidneys and the liver may be damaged

Rose rose –Rosa canina – The purpose of the collection is petal slices – for high content of tannins they have adstringent effects, arrows and even can make tea from leaves and young branches. It contains, in particular, vitamin C, carotenes, which form vitamins A, B1, B2, P, K and nicotinic acid. Tannins, sugars, pectins, dyes, flavonoids, essential oils and organic acids have also been found. Because of its high vitamin C content, which is ten times higher than in black currant and fifty times more than in lemons, it is used for re-vaccinations, viral flu, colds, spring fatigue, pregnancy, kidney and urinary tract infections, with longer use, lowers cholesterol in the blood and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens blood vessels and mildly builds bleeding. It also helps in mild diarrhea and gastritis, bleeding gums, varicose veins, in healing fractures and injuries and other disorders of the human body. It is also drinkable in pregnancy, fever and increases resistance to infectious diseases. Long-term use is not recommended in people with higher blood clotting, with a tendency to thrombus formation and increases the risk of oxalate urolithiasis.

Black Currant –Ribes nigrum – The subject of collection is the fetus and leaf during flowering, with a typical aromatic scent. The drug contains large amounts of vitamin C and B, routin, essential oils, sugars and tannins. It has metaboic and diuretic effects in the treatment of cold, rheumatism, drowsiness, fever, urinary tract inflammation, kidney and urinary stones, diarrhea and black cough. The routine contained in the leaves reduces the brittleness of blood vessels and stops bleeding from small blood vessels. It is used in mixtures to cleanse, restore and stimulate the body. Tea is also used as a gargle for inflammation of the oral cavity and angina. Fruits are used in rheumatism, diarrhea, liver disorders, nervous and physical exhaustion. A juice, berry juice or jam is used.

Common ladder– Achillea millefolium – Drug is a yarrow flower and flowers, containing up to 0.8% of essential oils containing chemazulin. Furthermore, flavonoids, tannins and mustards have a characteristic aroma and a spicy, bitter taste. It acts anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and haemostatically. It has extensive use in gynecology for menstruation and transition. It affects the tone of the uterus and hence the possibility of becoming pregnant. It works well in the small pelvis region in spasmodic pains. It is used for diseases of the digestive tract – stomach, ulcerative diseases of the diarrhea, dysentery etc. It is also used for coughing in the respiratory catarrh, nose and gum bleeding, stimulation of gastric juice production, bile excretion and improvement of the pancreas. Healing is used in liver disease (accompanied by jaundice) as well as in urinary tract and kidney inflammations. For heart rhythm disorders in a dose of 20-30 drops of juice in a small amount of wine. It is also used for mouth rinsing, stuttering, bathing and washing of purulent rashes and eczema, stops bleeding. Flower tea is used to clean the blood, spring bark and cleansing mixtures. It has healing and disinfecting effects. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, leg ulcers, varicose veins and other vascular disorders, increasing blood clotting. It is used for drinking tea, tiling, seating baths, rinsing and stuttering. varicose veins and other vascular disorders, increases blood clotting. It is used for drinking tea, tiling, seating baths, rinsing and stuttering. varicose veins and other vascular disorders, increases blood clotting. It is used for drinking tea, tiling, seating baths, rinsing and stuttering.

Ředkev setá –Raphanus sativus – Collect the developed root and use raw or juice. It is used as choleretic, internally is administered daily about 100-200 g of fresh root in bile stones and gastric dyspepsia. For its antimicrobial properties it is also used in colds and coughs, asthma bronchitis, rheumatism, black cough and some allergies. Cleans the liver, lungs, stomach, promotes kidney function. It stimulates the small intestine, accelerates the digestion process, affects the flora of the small intestine and destroys the harmful bacteria. It is an excellent preventative against the formation of urinary and renal stones and helps to dissolve them. It is not recommended to take longer or higher doses, especially in heart, gall bladder and liver disorders, ulcerative stomach and duodenal ulcer,

Rapeseed –Agrimonia eupartoria – It looks like a small division. Blending can be done twice, from June to August. The raspberry is a characteristic refreshing bitter taste and golden to reddish color. The healing effect is due to the contained substances. Catechin tannin is astringent and astringent effects, bitter, flavonoid pigments, silica, silicic acid and fytoncidní agents which suppress some strains of mycobacteria. Deodorants have a beneficial effect on liver, gallbladder, digestive and metabolic disorders. It is used in inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, gall bladder diseases and dyspepsia and in capillary bleeding of the digestive tract. Healing, constricting, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects are applied externally to rinses of rhinitis, tonsillitis, mouth cavities and molds. It is also used for gynecological inflammation, white discharge,

Daisy –Bellis perenis – It is a honeybee flower of our bow. Flowers (flower buds), possibly even a young whole plant, are collected. Spring leaves are added to salads. Fresh flowers are suitable for burns, various skin inflammations and injuries. The drug has mildly retarding and anti-inflammatory effects, is suitable for external treatment of wounds, blood bruising, ulcers, and various skin rashes. It is used internally for the treatment of coughs and lungs (especially for children), strengthens blood vessels, improves stomach action, is also suitable for the treatment of rheumatism, acts against bleeding and fever. Favorably stimulates the activity of the liver, kidneys and bladder, also acts beneficial to digestive processes.

Annual sunflower –Heliánthus annus – Flowers (flower capitals) or even whole plants are collected. Mature targets are cut off when they have a yellow color and the flowers bend. The drug is used internally in the form of decoction or tincture as antineuralgikum and antipyretic. A bunch of seeds or 15 drops of oil are used three times a day for kidney disease, coughing and dysentery. Infusion of flowers in the treatment of bronchial spasms and gastrointestinal tract. It has trapping and protective effects on the skin, inflammatory skin diseases, excessive digestion, burning, limbs or other parts of the body, partial and total baths are appropriate. Deodorant is mainly used for poorly perfused skin, after all exhaustive illnesses and poor lifestyle.

Smetana lékařská –Taraxacum officinale – Some sources report that old Greeks used dandelion milk for eye irritation, Arab doctors advised her to cleanse blood and skin care. It is mainly used root and leaves, which are collected early in the spring, the root is collected before flowering or autumn after the end of the flowering period. It contains mustard, slime, tannins, resins, vitamins A, B, C, D and other ingredients. Due to the main active ingredient that is used in malnutrition and gastric diseases. Increases urine production, acts anti-rheumatically and prominently, increases production of bile. It aids especially in diseases of the gall bladder, bile stones, jaundice, liver swelling and inflammation of the liver, hemorrhoids, fever of the stomach and intestines, kidney and bladder disease, and waterburn. As a diuretic, it is used for increased blood pressure and retention (retention) of water in the body. Externally, the wart juice is used. Skin diseases, vitamin deficiency, anemia and rheumatic disorders. In the alternative, it is recommended against diabetes, the patients should eat up to six stalks per day after flowering for inulin at the time of flowering. The stools are slowly chewed, the root also contains inulin and is therefore used in diabetic teas.

Sage medical– Salvia officinalis – or Babe’s ear. Already in the Middle Ages, it was used as a spice and salty water for cough and liver disease. Its highly spiced aroma and the aroma-like, bitter taste of sage leaves are made up of essential oils containing thujone, salviol, cineol, borneol and camphor, flavonoids, tannins, and mustard. It also contains some hormones and nicotinic acid compounds. Silica reduces the secretion of sweat and saliva, acts anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic and slightly diuretic, in poisonous doses. In folk healing, it is used as a cure for mumps of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx, gum inflammation, sore throat, sore throat and angina. It’s an excellent wound-disinfection disinfectant, like a tile on poorly healing and wetting wounds. It regulates gastric juices internally, stops diarrhea, strengthens blood circulation, encourages urinary excretion and increases bile production. Strengthens and soothes the nerves, reduces secretion of breast milk, encourages the body in old age. It is used for baths, such as tea, tiles and tinctures for gallbladder and liver disease, disorders of blood circulation and colds.

Topinambur –Heliánthus tuberosus – Contains starch from which up to 96% of fruit sugar is released from which the human organism can harvest 30-80 g per day. In addition, it contains more fiber than potatoes. This reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, increases the feeling of saturation and reduces the build up of constipation. The richest in dry matter is sugars in the form of inulin, glucose and fructose, as well as nitrogen, fiber, fat and vitamins, which contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and D. The beneficial effect is the fruit sugar content that does not require insulin when metabolised. It has a high content of biotin, zinc and many other useful elements. Therefore, it is suitable for dietetic purposes and sweetening for diabetics. A high content of biotin and zinc protects the body from fat loss, which acts as a barrier to obesity, fiber normalizes intestinal flora and provides vitamin C synthesis. Helps stabilize sugar in the blood, normalizes fluctuations in glucose levels in diabetics. Topinamburs have a positive role in coronary risk, favorably affect the bottom, kidney stones and kidney function, reduce dental caries and gum disease, benefit to prevent and instantly inject energy.

Purple Beetle –Echinacea purpurea – Rudbeckie purple – The widespread herb of our gardens. The drug ranks among impressive drugs without side effects and without the need to determine the amount of dosage. It acts as an immunostimulans, anti-rheumatic and an antiallergic with echinacoside, resins, traces of essential oil and inulin. Droga forms root, or even petals with effect on the resistance of the organism with a direct effect on the lymphatic system. With antibiotic effects, it works against influenza and herpes viruses and allergic problems. It also acts anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic, therefore it is suitable for administration in mixtures. It is also used in urology and gynecology, it helps to heal old and non-healing wounds, frostbite, skin inflammation and sores. Rudbeckie’s yellowish effect is similar. The most effective form of its use is tincture or in ointment, cream and drops, the tea loses its effectiveness. It contains substances that increase the immunity of the organism, it has beneficial effects on articular connective tissues, accelerates the process of blood clotting, is suitable as supportive treatment for viral diseases, in the prevention of influenza and upper respiratory tract inflammation. It is also suitable for children to reduce immunity, to reduce illness, age, injury, stress, surgery, chemical drugs, including antibiotics, or to work hard and stay in a hostile environment. It is used externally to treat burns, carbuncles, genders, and hurting wounds. As a lining, it is used for inflammation, wounds, painful nausea, bruising, and barking poisoning with poisonous animals. Slurry of dry plants is applied to swollen glands and sore teeth.

St John’s wort– Hypericum perforatum – The purpose of the collection is a collection collected in July and August. The drug contains essential oils, tannins, gums, glycosides, phenolic red dyes, and other substances. It has slightly sedative effects, promotes blood circulation, excretes bile, and acts anti-inflammatory. Herb that cleanses blood and promotes blood circulation, actually acts against leukemia. She has proven to be an inflammatory disease of the brain, heals most eczema, heals damaged tissue and soothes swelling. It is suitable for the pancreas, the liver, treats the stomach and the duodenum, adds to kidney teas, safely treats both indoor and outdoor hemorrhoids in the early days. It affects the inflammation of the genital tract. It is excellent for severe flu, acts against anxiety and psychological tension, accelerates rehabilitation after stroke, and impaired momentum in various pals, is the basis for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. It is recommended to use both internally and externally for bruises and the like. Helps in the treatment of dizziness, reduces gastric and pulmonary bleeding, reduces the permeability of the vascular walls. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups at the time of adolescence for the development of female organs, helps to treat menstrual irregularities, removes headaches and is especially good for the liver. In addition, various tinctures and oils are used for treatment.

Common thyme –Thymus vulgaris – It is collected and always before the flowering from May to July. It contains silica (with thymol, cymole and carvacrol), tannins and other substances. It acts as a disinfectant against intestinal parasites. It is a good deodorant because it removes odors. In healing, it is used to release mucus and cough and bronchitis, in stomach problems, flatulence and diarrhea. It increases the immunity of the organism against influenza-like infectious diseases, it has a diuretic effect, is suitable for mental depression, insomnia, nervousness, migraine, and blood circulation problems. It is used externally for inflammation of the nerves and spinal cord inflammation / radiculitis /, non-healing wounds, ulcers, rheumatic pains, dirt, odor in the mouth and inflammation of the oral cavity. Thyme oil is significantly antiseptic and antifungal. Tea and oil are used.

Violet violet-violet –Viola odorata – This is an old beautiful and fragrant medicine, which is used for healing from root, bloom and flower. It contains glycoside viriamine, alkaloid violins, saponins, tannins, mucous, sugars, traces of salicylic acid, calcium and magnesium. They act anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and as expectorants, increase urine production. It is an excellent means of relaxing mucus in coughs and bronchitis, helping to cough. It also acts as a diuretic and slightly antirheumatic, is recommended for cleansing of blood, skin rashes, mosquito nets, tiredness and diffusions, also in water and pain in the body. Sheet leaves are used as a gargle, a bottle of wine in vinegar to the floor covering and itching of the whole body. The leaves are attached externally to the cracked nipple. It is also said to be an effective agent in the treatment of malignant tumors, especially against colon cancer, larynx and tongue, in breast cancer pads. She was known to be a powerful aphrodisiac along with lavender scent. When it comes to hair loss, it is recommended to wash the skin with a vial. The leachate is used for lung and black cough. -1 tablespoon of violet flowers on a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups a day before eating.

Pheasant larger –Chelidonium majus – Dares of heaven – the cloth is best gathered in the gloves because both the nose and the root contain poisonous juice that has corrosive effects. It is better to collect in the autumn when it contains the largest amount of alkaloids about 14. Some of them have a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and the cardiac function, regulate blood pressure and enlarge coronary arteries, release bronchial and intestinal cramps. Overall, it heals and rejuvenates the body. Infusions relieve asthma, an irritable cough, relieves gall bladder problems and releases stomach cramps, and in the form of wounds treats eczema, scalp and scrophosis. The ointment treats the initial stages of tuberculosis, psoriasis, cancer and tuberculosis of the skin and bracts. Previously, it was used in liver nodules, golden veins, drowsiness, bile stones, and nematodes. Except for eye diseases, cutaneous ulcers, scabies and lice, it has an excellent antifungal effect.

White ViperSalix alba – We use the willow bark that is healing. It grows in spring from two to three years twigs and is dried. Contains up to 10% tannins, coumarins, flavonoids and salicylic acid-aspirin. It acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory, reduces fever, relieves pain mainly in rheumatism, bottom and neuralgias, strengthens nerves and is good against insomnia. It builds bleeding and therefore it is used in diarrhea and intestinal catarrh, helps with food poisoning and dysentery. It was used instead of quinine for malaria, externally as a tile for badly healing wounds and baths for sweating.

Heather – Calluna vulgaris – During the flowering period, in July and August, it is collected by cutting and sowing. It contains flavon glycoside, guercitrin, myricitrin, tannins, silicic acid, saponins, mucous and probably alkaloid ericodinin and other ingredients. It is used in the treatment of uric acid deposition, days and rheumatism, calms calming, brings calm sleep, relieves cough and fever, digestive tract pain, heals and rejuvenates the skin. It is diuretic, peritoneal and anti-inflammatory, mainly acting in renal colic, inflammation of the bladder as a result of prostate enlargement, promotes metabolism and alleviates difficulties in sciatica, inflammation of the intervertebral nerve and also in headaches, and enhances cardiac action by influencing blood pressure. It works aggressively and is therefore suitable for wiping out wounds.

Gingerbread Medical – Ginger –Zingiber officinale – A root containing volatile essential oils, cineol, zingiberen, camphor, citral, bisabolen and resins is used. It is a plant not only for the kitchen but also for the healing of the body. Stimulates blood circulation, relieves flatulence and colic, induces sweating, lowers blood cholesterol. It is hot, hot, drying and very healthy because it helps to develop energy. Grated and soaked in water, it sipped like tea, ground and mixed in ointments like a healing ointment. As hot and dry, the ginger is suitable for colds, in airway catarrh, it is administered in case of imperfect peripheral blood circulation with cold limbs and as a stimulating agent for pulmonary infections, it is applied to frostbite, it is suitable for low blood pressure and dizziness. All the winters should use it in the form of a liquid, baths or tiles on a frozen shoulder or knee. Helps in arthritis and rheumatism, melancholy and depression. It is recommended to chew a raft in case of nausea in the airplane or in the car, it has proven itself even during the first months of pregnancy. In the ointment, it is used as a patch for painful knees, muscles, shoulder or other body parts, it is still warm and at night. Not suitable for high blood pressure. It is used in the form of tincture, ointment in ointment or powder.

Green Tea –contains catechins, alkaloids, theophylline, flavonoids, vitamin C, E, P and fluorine. It is suitable for cancer prevention, improves cardiovascular disease, has antiviral and antibacterial and antioxidant effects. It works against fatigue, it promotes heart activity, it has diuretic action, it promotes excretion of digestive juices, it is suitable for asthmatic problems strengthens the blood walls, the substances prevent the formation of arteries and degrade cholesterol in the blood, regulates high blood pressure and is effective against colds, has anti-stress effects, slows the aging process, bleeding the ocular background, capillary toxicosis, and tooth decay. Extremely tired eyes like tiling, and flushing of the intestines (enema). In one Japanese scientific paper, the infusion of green tea is preventive against 61 diseases and 21 diseases can be cured.

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